chapter 6: friend or more?

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y/n's p.o.v.

rumors, you can't live without them. especially, if you go to high school. of course, there are rumors that yoongi and i are dating. do people not get the concept of a boy and a girl becoming best friends? people are really delusional.

i look for a seat at lunch to sit and as i walk, i hear a girl mention my name. i stop and i arch my eyebrow.

"is y/n dating yoongi?"

"no no no! yoongi is ugly."

"they do look cute together though."

"yeah i agree, to be honest."

"ewww, yoongi is ugly and y/n is hot."

"hey, if you haven't noticed. i'm right here and if you really wanted to know if we were dating, you would've asked me but all you care about is starting drama? even if it's fake because that's what your whole little girl group of bitches consist of." i say, "by the way, no. yoongi and i are dating and even if we were, why would it concern you?"

none of the girls speak and i walk away.

"well spoken." a feminine voice says from behind me.

"hey choi." i say.

i used to be close with choi, but we faded. we still talk to each other but people used to call us the inseparable duo. we are really similar which made us connect so fast back then in middle school. choi is a badass bitch and i respect her for that.

yoongi wasn't at school today so i decide to walk to his house to make sure he's okay. i head to yoongi's house after school and i knock on his door.

"hello..?" i say.

what is he doing? he's not opening his door, is he okay? i knock on his bedroom door window to see yoongi fast asleep. i check to see if the window is open and it is. i rush inside, squeezing my body through the window.

"yoongi! are you okay?" i say as i quickly cup his cheeks and sit down next to him, "yoongi?"

i touch his forehead with the back of my hand and i could tell he has a fever. i lean in closer to his face and shake his shoulders. yoongi's eyelids flutter open, almost similar to how a princess wakes up. i jolt back and i smile.

"you're okay." i say.

"why? were you worried about me?" yoongi says.

"no, i just came here to check up on you, okay." i say and i huff. yoongi smirks and nudges my shoulder.

"just admit it y/n, you were worried about me." yoongi says.

"shut up." i mumble and i rub the back of my neck, nervously.

"you're adorable." yoongi says, "how'd you even get in?"

"your dumbass left the window open." i say and yoongi giggles.

"well, you should leave. i'm going to be boring and i'm going to be laying here like i'm dead." yoongi says.

"whatever, it's fine." i mutter, "i'll take care of you."

"i never asked–" yoongi says.

"i never asked you to answer." i say.

"meanie." yoongi says.

i grab a wet towel and i place it on his forehead. yoongi eventually falls asleep and i find myself playing with his soft hair. i look at yoongi's desk to find his homework. should i do it? i feel bad. i walk to his desk and i take a pencil. i finish yoongi's work and mine.

"y/n?" yoongi says.

"oh, you're awake." i say, "are you.. feeling better?"

"yeah, thanks." yoongi says, "why're you being so nice?"

"because.. i feel like it." i say.

"aw, so shy. you have feelings on me?" yoongi teases.

"oh, you think so highly of yourself." i say, "i would never like someone like you."

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