Chapter 3

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I woke up next morning, i was tired from the lack of sleep. I kept telling my new pet wolf to shut up during the day as it was my first day not feeling normal. It told me that wasn't in its job description so i sighed.

I went over to mum to ask her a few things, she defiantly had some explaining to do.
"Mum, what happened, i mean last night, why are we wolves?"
I told you all this last night dumbo! (Italics is Lyra and the wolf inside her chatting)
Oh shut up please!
"Well.. my whole side of the family are wolves, your father isn't though, and if you tell anyone about our existence well we will either be tested on or killed." She told me more but its to long to type up here.

"Ryan has known this whole time, he turned 3 years prior, he had the same nightmares as you too." She told me. This was comforting because that means these horrid dreams will leave me.
"Also we are moving house, now we have all turned we are moving to America, there is a wolf pack there that is where your grandparents live, we will be leaving tomorrow so today is spent packing." She ordered me.
"But mum why do we have to move!" I asked.
"Anyway" she brushed my question away, "You need to begin a chat with your wolf, make friends, if you aren't friends you could have some problems, You got the day off school. Also you and your wolf don't have to see eye to eye all you need to see is control in each other." She ordered me.

I finally escaped upstairs
So so new best friend, We need nicknames My wolf told me
I would rather we didn't have nicknames I told it
I would rather we did, How about muppet and beautiful? She asked.
Look I'm not the one who needs the nickname, your the one who needs a name though. I brushed the horrid nickname she had for me aside.

After many two and fro talking we agreed that I'm in control as long as she gets to name herself.

Can i call myself Tilly? It finally decided

It went away for a nap which gave me some time to myself, i packed all my room up when Ryan finally awoke.
"Hey sis, Oh god you look tired" he said
"Don't even get me started, at least those nightmares will leave me now." I replied.
"YOU TURNED!!! AND YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME" he embraced me in a hug and then sprinted back to his room. I heard boxes being dragged. he was obviously exited to move out. I laughed at this. Only my brother.


The car journey was long to the ferry. It took us 3 hours to get to Dover. To long if you ask me, anyway the point is i was completely bored out of my mind. Once on board the ferry, that wasn't exiting either so i just ran around the edges with my new found speed until i got tired and went to sleep.

I played on my new phone for a few hours until the ferry finally landed in America. 1 week later, that's when we arrived. After 7 boring days we finally arrived at the new family. I hugged grandma and grandpa it was so great to meet them, we weren't in a pack but it was actually kinda nice living with another man, Besides Ryan, in the house.

My new room was massive because gran and gramps where rich! This was good new for all of us and i was overjoyed with the outcome. Ryan got the biggest room but i didn't mind my room was still massive and a perfect size. It had a massive window where the bed was. The window was behind and i loved it. I had a desk by the door and a few paintings up that my mum had drawn.

I hadn't heard much out my Wolf, Tilly lately but i didn't mind to much. Until she came back to me...
Lyra!! Lyra Lyra Lyra!!! I found our mate!!!!!!!!!!

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