Chapter 23

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Logan's POV ~

"Hello all! I have bought you here today because your luna is missing!" I shouted out in the pack meeting room. I let a small tear slip down my check and then i brushed it away. I looked over at Emily asleep in Ryan's arms, she needed it.

I got myself back together and carried on.
"We need scouts to check around the area and hunters to use those noses and sniff her out!" I shouted to my pack.

There where a lot of gasps at the fact their luna was missing but no more, i didn't want to see anymore.
"Meeting dismissed, if anyone finds anything link me!" Was my final words.

I then walked out the back door before everyone else could leave and broke down into tears. Why did she had to be taken! Why did my one and only have to be taken....


I didn't sleep the first night, or the second. I just couldn't sleep whatsoever, it was hard knowing your mate had risked their lives for yours. I kept beating myself up about it all.

By the third night i was overjoyed.
"Alpha! we have a trail!" One of the pack members linked me. I smiled and told them i would be there soon. I ran up to the main road and sniffed the air. It was faint but she had been here.

I decided to run, i was going to find my Lyra! My Wife! It didn't matter how as long as i found her. I followed her wonderful sent, and i would follow it to the ends of the earth!

Lyra's POV ~

I lay on the floor in the garage only really comfy in my wolf form but of course dad won't let me shift. I hoped that there would be an opportunity to escape soon. I just want to get out of here.

Sure enough the door opened randomly and no one was stood there. I hoped with all my heart that it had opened by wind and by the looks of things it had! I walked toward it gingerly and suddenly i was pushed down by a heavy force!

"That was a test my dear girl that you just failed!" my father told me. I shook in fear, he had opened the door to see if i would escape! How could i have been so gullible!

He began to take of the belt that was round his waste and once it came loose he straightened it out. The sharp metal bit dragged along the ground as we walked toward my cowering body. I began to shake with fear as his black eyes looked into my blue ones.

"YOU WOULD CHOOSE TO EDCAPE!" He screamed at me as i took the first blow of the belt. My arm stung from where the metal had pierced the skin. I shouted out in pure pain, blood began to drop from my arm.

"Every time you scream you get 2 more beatings along with the 5 i'm giving so now that is...." He took a while to work it out. ".... around.... 6 more to go as one is already down.!" He then began lashing at me again, hitting my arm again and my leg.

4 more and then it was over... 3 more lashes, one to my face and two more to my thighs. 1 more! The last lash hit my eye.
"What do you say!" He muttered at my face as he tied his belt.
"a thank you master...." I muttered through the pain.

I held my eye that now had the scratch on it. Suddenly a flash of black and red knocked my dad over. The black and red wolf in front of me looked at me with big brown eyes.
"Logan..." i muttered limply.

He shifted back and my dad groaned then lashed at logan with some silver. He cringed as he looked at me and then Logan punched his lights out. He picked me up and hugged me.

"I thought i lost you.." He muttered.
"I know..." I replied.
"Lets go before he wakes up..." He whispered.

We walked out of the garage to find a very angry looking wife in a dressing gown.
"What to hell!" She screamed at us as she ran by punching my stomache. Well that was Logan's last straw.

He sat me down and darted in, he shifted to his wolf for and bit her hard in the neck. I looked at him in shock! he had killed the evil stepmother! He indicated for me to get on his back and we galloped home.


4 days later....

I had my logan, my emily, my friends. I had everyone i cared about and i was back were i belonged. I was with my mate... My one and only....

My Logan.....

sad times! This was the last chapter! Gonna hopefully start a book 2 IDK depends how well this book does! Thank u all for reading all the way to the end it means a lot! Thank you!

You are all amazing!!!!

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