Chapter Nine: Magic Mike

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Chapter Nine: Magic Mike

"Take another right and you have reached your destination." I do as my GPS tells me to and am greeted by the sight of what I think is a house.

Who am I kidding, this is a fricking mansion. Maybe even bigger than that.

I look at the address that Gigi texted me. Yep it's definitely the right one.

You're probably wondering why I'm here.

That's because Gigi had to babysit today, but she was busy so she asked me to do it. Since, I need all the money I can get at this point so it's a win win.

I go to press the buzzer on the gate, but they open themselves. I cautiously walk inside.

There's a huge fountain in the middle with statues of lions surrounding it. The house was secluded by enormous trees greener than any other trees I've seen.

Two gardeners stand in the distance planting new flowers, making the house even more beautiful.

I'm surprised that the President doesn't live here, but whoever does must be pretty damn rich.

I glance at my clothes, they seem so casual for a house like this.

I walk up the white marble steps and ring the golden doorbell. A woman, who I'm presuming is in her early forties, opens the door.

She wears a sleek black long sleeved dress, her hair pulled back in a tight bun. Her presence screams class.

She gives me a kind smile a quick hug. "Hello darling you must be Lewis' new babysitter, I'm Lisa. Come on in."

Wow, she seems nice.

If you thought the outside was beautiful, the inside was a hundred times better. The wooden floors were gleaming and not a speck of dust was visible on them. The furnishing of the house was old but had a sort of modern twist. The walls were covered in amazing pieces of art and the wooden staircase gave the house an even more grand feel.

Lisa leads me to what I think is the living room. "What's your name dear?"

"Heidi Thompson."

She looks at me carefully, as if studying me. "I thought I recognised you from those beautiful green eyes! You're Andrew Thompson's daughter right?"

I nod. "That's my dad."

"Believe it or not, your dad and I were very good friends in high school."


She nods and smiles. Who knew my dad actually had friends.

"Lewis! Come and meet your babysitter." Lisa yells.

A boy about eight with big chocolate brown eyes comes into view. He has a light tan to his skin and wears a cheeky smile on his face.

He walks over and stands on the couch so we're at eye level. "Hey there beautiful I'm Lewis." He says whilst attempting to wink at me.

I lightly push his face back and laugh. "And I'm wayyy to old for you."

He throws his hands up. "But I have dimples!"

Lisa and I both roll our eyes. "Boys."

She kisses Lewis on the cheek and he mumbles something about not being a baby, whilst rubbing his cheek.

"I have to get going dear." She puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'll be back by around 9, but you're free to leave whenever Lewis' older brother gets home."

The Bad Boy and the Piano Girl (Book #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora