Chapter 5

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I pick myself off the ground and head back over to our blue tent to find Rachel. Stepping inside, I find her unpacking a few clothes.

"Hey!" She greets me, "You were gone awhile."

"Damon's here," I reply solemnly.

"Really? I thought you said he wasn't coming!"

"He wasn't, not until just recently."

"Well, this is--,"

"A disaster," I cut in.


"What? It definitely isn't!"

"Oh it totally is! Now you two can get to know each other in a fun environment! Not to mention you can show off your hot bod in that new bikini you got," she responds with a wink, "I wonder what he looks like shirtless."

Oh I can imagine.

"I bet he looks like King Henry VIII," I joke.

"Oh he does not!" Rachel laughs.

We exit our lovely abode and head over to the gazebo where everybody is eating lunch. We all had to pitch in, but there were enough of us going to buy plenty of food and drinks for the trip. Rachel passes me a plate and I grab a hot-dog and a bag of lays chips. We all eat for awhile, talking and laughing so loudly you could hear us a mile away. I look down the long table; Damon is sitting towards the end. He says something I can't hear, and the guys around him laugh hysterically, Damon following. I turn back in my seat. Eric is sitting across from me, shoving his shoulder into Jake's and Jake responding with his own shoulder. Eric's girlfriend, Beth, just looks at me and rolls her eyes. I laugh loudly; I love Beth and Eric's relationship. They're so sarcastic, but you can tell they love each other. If I get a boyfriend, that's what I want. However, all I have right now is a pain in my ass.

Beth brushes her sandy blonde hair to the side, revealing the cloud birthmark on her neck, and starts talking to me.

"In case you were mistaken, this obnoxious boy besides me is definitely not my boyfriend. I date guys with a bit more self-control."

I laugh while she smirks up at Eric. A smile forms across his face.

"Who are you calling obnoxious?"

"Oh, nobody," she giggles, blue eyes twinkling.

"Mhm," Eric nods, "So who all wants to go swimming?"

The whole gazebo explodes with a collection of "I do" and various forms of "yeah". The sun really kicked in over the past hour and it has become sweltering. The cool chill of the lake sounds perfect right about now.

Everybody leaves to go get suited up. Rachel and I each pick out a new bikini we bought over the weekend. She pulls out a light blue bandeau top and matching bottoms, I grab my navy and white sailor-striped top and navy bottoms. We each turn away and undress. I slip on my suit then pace over to my bed to grab a towel and a white cotton tank top. Rachel turns around to do the same.

"Damn Scarlett, looking good!"

I laugh, "I could say the same," I say as I point to her. Her red hair strikes out against the blue suit.

"Eh, what can I say?"

I chuckle while I slip my tank over my head. We both leave and race down to the shore.

Once we're at the edge of the lake, we set down our things and I take in my surroundings. The blue water laps the sand around us, and the rays beating off of the surface make it shine. There are teenagers all around us. Some are tanning, but most are in the water. The inflatable trampoline is set up on the lake, and the dock is full of students jumping off one by one like sardines. I dig my toes into the warm sand and watch the grains slide over my feet.

I look to my right and am about to head over to the dock when Damon and Eric step into my view.

"Great out here, isn't it?" Eric asks with enthusiasm.

I nod. I look at Damon, he's watching me intently.

"Well, c'mon then!" Eric yells, running off towards the dock.

I turn to Damon, "You coming?"

"Sure, why not," he responds dryly, but I can see the excitement in his eyes.

Damon slowly pulls his tank over his head, and I sit back and drool. I imagined what he'd look like shirtless before--just out of pure curiosity of course--but I never thought he'd look this nice. His slightly tanned body is cut and lean; everything sculpted accordingly. His strong arms flex as he tosses his shirt to the side. While he turns, his shaped torso moves and curves tightly along with.

I can feel a blush forming beneath my skin, but I quickly dismiss it. I make eye contact with him for the first time since he took his tank off, and he has the biggest I-know-what-you're-thinking smirk on his face.

"Enjoying the view?" He asks, cocking his head to one side.

"You wish."

He's still standing there, why hasn't he gone off with Eric?

I suppress my thought and leisurely pull my tank top over my head. Damon's eyes widen momentarily and his lips part. I throw my hair into a messy bun and look over at him standing still as a rock.

At last I ask, "Who's enjoying the view now?"

His face flushes just slightly, but he finally breaks his stare and turns to leave.

I glance towards Rachel. She puts her hand to her head and pretends to faint. I laugh, and we head off to the dock.

We both run up to the edge and jump off. The cold water engulfs me, covering me in an icy blanket. I allow myself to sink some and stare at the ceiling above; I watch the sunlight seep through the water and dance with the bubbles. I make my way back up and break the surface. Taking a sharp breath, I push the hairs sticking to my face back. Rachel and I swim over to the trampoline and start to climb aboard. I never realized how hard it is exactly to do such a thing. I slip and slide trying to pull myself up to the top. I finally get one arm up, but I slip again; however, someone catches me. I look up into sharp green eyes and full wet lips. I'm astounded he actually caught me, but nonetheless relieved.

"Wow, thank you Damon," I say with a smile.

He gives me a full smile, showing all his bright teeth. Wow, he really is beautiful, especially when he looks carefree and sweet like this.

"No, thank you Scarlett..."

Suddenly, his smile morphs into one of mischief. Before I know it he let's go of my hand and throws me back. I scream, falling to my immediate death. Okay, maybe not death, but it still hurt when I hit the water. I breach, coughing up water, and look up at Damon in rage. He's laying on his back, cracking up laughing.

"I hope you're happy!" I yell.

"Oh trust me, I am," he says through gasps of air between laughs.

I climb up onto the trampoline and kick him, hard. He stops laughing and gets up quickly. He stares me down and starts a slow prowl towards me. I run like a terrified gazelle, scared of the lion behind me. I get to the edge and begin to jump, but he pulls me back by my wrist. I fall into him, my hands landing on his chest. My fingers curl around his pecks and I look up. He looks down on me with bland amusement, but as soon as my fingers curled his jaw tightened while he tensed.

Somebody behind us jumped off, causing the inflatable to shake. We lose our balance and fall off the edge. Crashing into the water, he pulls me to him. I open my eyes under water; he does the same, looking at me. He smirks, his dark hair flowing around him. I'm confused for a split second before I notice my back ties have come undone and my top starts to loosen all around me. I gasp, mortified, and I feel a rush of water down my throat.

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