Chapter 13

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Damon clicks the lock with his key and opens the door, standing aside to allow me to step in. The inside looks just as astounding as the outside, complete with a white interior as well. The white is balanced with dark furniture and bright red and teal accent colors: i.e. the pillows, lamps, and cabinet borders. Damon makes his way around me and heads to the right towards the dining room, and past that into the kitchen. I awkwardly watch him through the door-less rooms as I stand still glued to the entryway. I hear him open fridge doors and move some stuff around.

"Want anything?" He yells.

"No, I'm fine!" I yell back, feeling the large house engulf my voice.

"Are you going to stand there all day? Go sit on the couch or something."

I oblige and turn left towards the sizable black couch in the living room. I sit, or more so sink, into the leather, wanting to lean back and relax but too nervous to do so. While I anxiously wait for Damon's arrival, I look around the room. An enormous TV is positioned in front of me, and so is a glass coffee table; the couch is long and shaped like an L, with a corresponding recliner chair next to it. I notice that the wall towards the end of the room is glass, and I stand to go see his backyard. There's a rectangular shaped pool surrounded by patio and steps that lead to the groomed lawn full of various plants. A hammock sways in the back corner with a small tree shadowing it. I'm happily imagining myself reading a nice book in that hammock until Damon sneaks up behind me. He grabs my waist and brushes his nose behind my ear.

"Boo," he whispers.

I shudder slightly, "Okay Damon, you've got me here, what tricks do you have up your sleeve?" I ask trying to forget the feeling of his touch.

"Well, considering my current sleeveless state, I'd say nothing."

He points at his slate gray v-neck tee with a smirk. I scowl, and a few stands of hair fall out of their tucked position behind my ear. Damon reaches forward and gently pushes them back into place before grazing his fingers down my jaw line. I pull my head away, causing him to chuckle.

"So," he begins, "I see you tried to be funny and wear an extremely fitted outfit today to spite me."

My lips twitched upwards, "Oh, you noticed?"

"Trust me Scarlett, I definitely noticed," he replies with a flirtatious glare, "And as appealing as you look in these clothes, I did say to wear something loose for a reason."


"Today we're watching a movie."


"You put up that whole act and brought me here today to watch a movie?"

"You seem disappointed Scar," he says with a crooked grin.

"Absolutely not! I just wasn't expecting that."

If I had known "loose" was synonymous with "movie" I would have definitely worn something more comfortable. I feel myself grimace thinking about trying to be comfortable for hours on a couch in these clothes.

"I guess you'll just have to wear something of mine," Damon pipes in.

I'm immediately snapped back into reality, "Huh?"

"You wait here. I'll be right back."

"Why can't I come with you?"

"Invasion of privacy."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Absolutely not!" He mimics my tone.

"You're infuriating."

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