Another Victim Of A Hateful Crime

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"Have a good day at school" my mom chirped In a sing-song voice. I beamed exiting our small craftsman house, two blocks away from school. My heart was fluttery leading up to 4th period where I decided I would tell Gavin I liked him. I was daydreaming when I bumped into someone

"WATCH IT LOSER!" Törin shouted. I knew that he was the one who beat up Gavin so I knocked him to the floor. He quickly recuperated and I just realized what I had done. A crowd was quickly gathering like vultures to its prey. Torin struck back, not caring about my gender which I liked and didn't like. He smooshed my face into the ground drawing an

"OHHHHHHHH!" From the crowd.

"Don't ever try to fight me again you puny beast!" He said slamming my head down and walking away. I stayed on the ground until I heard the
Of the school bells. And I just remembered my mission and heading to class I completely forgot about what just happened.
My heart was pounding out of my chest as I was taking the last few steps to Mr.Heffersons room. I walked in and immediately became disappointed. Gavin was gone, and my self-esteem dropped to zero again. I slunk myself in my seat, disappointed.

"Class, I'm afraid I have terrible news"
Mr. Hefferson announced. My stomach dropped to my toes.
"Alex has been involved in a terrible accident and won't be attending school for a couple of weeks to a month." He announced. What happened to him that was THAT bad? I thought.
"Anyways let's continue" everything else that happened that day was a blur. All I could think about was what happened to Alex, and where was Gavin, Is this a sign he doesn't like me?

"How was your day?" My mom sang, still in a good mood. My face dropped, I explained what happened.

"Well, that TÖRIN SHOULD BE PUNISHED" my mom yelled

"He's not worth it" I sighed.
"Ooook, well anyways with the whole "Alex thing" I know you don't really hang with him anymore but in elementary school, you used to be friends, so how bout we drop by the nearest hospital and see if he's there, okay?" My mom said rubbing her forehead.

"Okay" I sighed still wishing I could tell Gavin that I thought he was the cutest most sensitive, nice, well-dressed guy in the entire school.

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