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Jamie was walking down the halls with Diamond (Tórins ex) which Jamie started talking to her more after she broke up with tórin), when Tarra leaped from the second floor of the school, did a flip, and rolled In front of Diamond. Everyone in the halls had stopped to process what just happened when Tarra asked

"Diamond, prom?" Diamond squeezed Tarra into a tight hug, and some people started clapping. Jamie knew he shouldn't third-wheel this moment so he just went to lunch without her. He was feeling sad because he knew Törin wouldn't ask him out in public. He plopped down at Tórins table, besides all the other "cool" kids, and put his head down. Törin arrived and set a tray of food in front of Jamie. Jamie was so pissed he didn't say anything to him. Törin was starting to get worried as to why his boyfriend was ignoring him. He forced Jamie to come with him in the hall. Once they were out of people's earshots Jamie slammed his fists against Törin who didn't even flinch.

"You said you'd ask me to prom, everyone around me is getting asked and I feel so left out!" He cried, tears streaming down his face. Törin pulled him into his strong arms.

"I promise baby, I'll do it soon"

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