chapter fiftyseven

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She was not in the mood for this right now.

She was cranky, which meant bitchy. Her stomach still wasn't exactly a happy camper, and she was beyond tired.

Even on a good day it was never a good time for her to spend time with dunce one, two, three and four. Add the fact she was nervous as hell and she had a feeling this wasn't going to end well. She had half a mind to go tell them all to fuck themselves.

The only reason she didn't is because... well, because if she wanted Kellum then this was a part of the whole Cinderella package.

It was time she found out where she stood with the missing links and it was time for them to know what she was made of.
This was worse than going to the principal's office.

The room was cold and off putting. The four horsemen wore thick ceremony robes she'd never seen before.

All of them white with each man's colors woven into the material. She wondered if Kell had his own set.

That thought was chased away with the thought that this didn't bode well for her.

They all sat like they'd practiced the exact timing of it for years.

She was left standing, Kell's usual seat missing.

Klax went first. "Human Jessalynn, these proceedings about to take place are highly classified and we would like your word that what is said here will be kept confidential."

"These proceedings are unprecedented. Advisors have never met with anyone without their king or future king present, but this is a delicate situation that must be handled with care. These restrictions will also extend to our future king." Demetruisu's last sentence let her know just how bad this was going to go.

"Which is also unheard of, but in these special circumstances we have no choice." Klax pointed out.

"Do you understand what is being ask of you?" Birkett asked, with a lift of his eyebrows.

Jess looked at each of them as they spoke and at this time, she took a moment to nod at each of them. "I understand but refuse your request."

She gave herself an imaginary pat on the back. This queen stuff wasn't so hard.

Each of them stilled. The oldest one explained. "You cannot refuse. All four of us are in agreement. Even if the future king was here, he would be outvoted."

"Quick question, once I'm future queen will my vote be counted? That would be kind of cool."

None of them seemed to know how to proceed.

"There is no such thing as a future queen. Once you are_____."

"Demetruisu, there is no reason to explain. It is to be a moot point." Klax stopped him.

"You are right. Human Jessalynn, do you understand? You are unable to refuse our request."

She nodded. "I understand and still refuse. It is my understanding that I shouldn't keep anything from my future king or from my future mate."

Quite unhappy, they argued among themselves.

All she managed to pick up was how they must proceed and that they'd handle that situation when they came to it.

"It has occurred to us, human Jessalynn, that you might be in agreement with us." Savion stated.

Highly doubtful.

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