chapter sixtyfour

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He went crazy. Not at first. He managed to hold on to his calm as he demanded to see the recordings that led up to the moment, he knew she was gone. It took hours to break them. He thought that he showed strength with his restraint. He had even been generous in warning them that if they told him one more time that this was for his wellbeing that he would kill someone.

He never raised his voice. Somehow, he even managed to keep the rage he felt from shining in his eyes.

While watching the recordings, he remained still. Quiet. Seething but in control. Which was not easy. On the screens around him he watched his mate's upset. Heartbreak. Determination and strength as she sat in front of these same four men and was left with no options.

They would pay dearly but first he wanted Jessalynn back.

He went crazy when he realized they thought to keep him from going after her. Rage the like he has never known before filled him.

They worried about how much he has changed? Well, they have not saw anything yet. His people may not be killers, but he now knew he was capable of such. He was quite sure if he had gotten his hands on one of the advisors, he would have ended him.

His own people had been ordered to detain him. They had to sedate him.

When the door finally opened where he was being contain, his sister was the one to step into the room. "Frey, have me released."

"Dezrick has been ordered to release you as soon as you have shown signs of calming. He has also been given orders to fill any room you are in with a sedative if you become a danger again. They just want to know that you are not going to hurt anyone else."

"Where do you stand? With me or against me?"

"You do not need to ask." She placed her small pale hand over his. "Your personal guards are being restrained in the next room. Pensley sent me. He wants you to know that they stand with. Do not see enemies in everyone."

"Did he know this was going to happen?"

"No. Not till it was happening. Once he did, Godrick, Kar, Frick, and Pensley tried to get to you. We did not even know about Jessalynn until this last pass hour."

"How long did I sleep?"

"A few hours. They send a message. Their word was given. No one will be able to leave or enter the city. You know they cannot break that word. Strong arming them will not change that. Seeing your rage, they made sure of it. Dezrick is now the only one who can lift the barrier and he will only do so under the rules of their agreement."

That knowledge was crushing and sealed their fate.

"Change is all around us and they fear it. Now they fear you as well."

"They should."

"What should I tell your people?"

"Tell them this is war. My advisors are traitors, and I will not rest until they are out of power."

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