5. Chapter - The Compreah

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Picture of the beautiful alien, Azka'rah (all credits go to LAS-T - http://las-t.deviantart.com/). Just imagine him with long hair, and the marking on both sides of his face, not just one.

Hello, I hope you all are enjoying the summer (though I'm not a big fun of it) thoroughly! I can't wait for this weekend to come because that's when my 18 days long vacation starts, and I will finally have some time to myself and time to write some more.

This chapter was so hard to write! Not because I wasn't in the mood, but because I had to research the subject and somehow change it into something at least a little bit believable. I think I succeeded! And I enjoyed writing it so much! Anyway, we are talking about an alien planet, a completely different world, so everything is possible there!

Enjoy the reading!


There is a new word used there, the Compreah, read it as [kompria]. I'm not going to add it to the dictionary as it's not a translation of an actual English word but only a name for a specific device!


Corey couldn't believe what the doctor made him to do. He was staring at the small rounded device on the table next to him, his eyes wide, breath unsteady and hands trembling. Just remembering his speech about how the process of implanting the device in his windpipe didn't hurt and it was done in a blink of an eye, made him nervous all over again. He hated speaking in front of people, and even though this was indirect, he still knew there were a lot of them listening to him.

"I hope that was all? I'm not saying any other word. I'm done here. I want to go!" Corey couldn't believe he was saying it but he was ready to leave the ship and get to his new home for now. His bloodshot eyes and unhealthily colored skin said it all. He was too tired to function normally. And his mental state wasn't at its best either.

The doctor looked at him and smiled, motioning for the second alien to come closer. When he did just that, the little guy held out his hand and opened his fist, a small bluish cube in it. The square object was partially transparent so Corey could see there was something inside of it, making him nervous because it looked like there was some kind of worm wriggling around. It was a light shade of white and its insides were shining with soft blue glow.

The alien said something in his language, shoving the hand with the cube closer to Corey as if he wanted him to take it. Shaking his head, Rey leaned against the chair he was sitting in and tried to get as far away from the hand as possible. He didn't like the way it looked like. It remained him of a parasite from that one anime his cousin was watching long time ago, and he definitely didn't want to have anything like that in his hands.

"I have no idea what you are saying, but I'm not taking that. It will probably bite its way inside of my hand and do something with my body or DNA. I'm not going to risk that!" he said, his voice several octaves higher than usual. Just the imagination of it made him sweat and tremble in fear.

"It is nothing like that. It will indeed bury itself to your body, your nape to be exact, but it is not any kind of an organism that would change you in any way. This Compreah is a specially modified device that will help you understand our language. It will take some time, the device has to find its way to your forebrain, connect with it and transfer all the needed information to it. It should take several weeks, but from our previous experiences, it always takes maximum of one month. During the transmission of the information, the Compreah will copy the tissue surrounding it and slowly change itself into the exact same thing, so it will become part of your brain. After that, the Compreah will naturally disintegrate and change into dead brain cells. It is not harmful in any way and it will help you understand everyone out there. Although every Nezda'rahian you met so far could talk in English, we were taught to speak like that because we were chosen to interact with you. Others on the planet will not understand you, and you will not understand them, which could lead to many misunderstandings. I am sure you would not want to risk it. From the things I read about your planet, you should know what a misunderstanding can do," the doctor said, kindly smiling at him, taking the cube from the boy next to her.

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