8. Chapter - The Other Human

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The picture of the flower, Tholia! Thanks to everyone who guessed in the previous chapter. I was actually surprised almost everyone got it right! Was it so obvious?

Hello! The promised chapter is here! I got a bit delayed because I forgot to draw the picture of the aliens' clock, so I had to do it before publishing the chapter. The picture is bad, but I will work on it tomorrow and the day after to make it look better! 

Anyway, there is a picture of the palace at the end of the chapter! I know it's not the best, but considering it is my first work on graphics tablet, it's not the worst! The picture of the flower you can see above was painted with a computer mouse before I got the tablet! 

Enjoy the chapter!


Corey was lying in a bed, still too stunned to fall asleep. The past two hours seemed like a dream to him. He couldn't stop thinking about all the things he's seen so far, the images still running in front of his eyes.

Compared to the exterior of the palace, the interior looked ten times more fascinating. All the furniture was made out of the same crystal as the palace itself, making it obvious everything was sculpted out of it. The only difference was in the coloring of the crystals, some of the furniture being green and some black. Corey was sure the black and green ones were from crystals brought to the palace from the outside, and the blue ones were sculpted right out of its walls. But he couldn't be one hundred percent sure as he didn't ask anyone. Unfortunately, the only thing he managed to ask after they finished eating was about his baggage. He totally forgot about his suitcases in all the mess that happened around him since they landed, and he wanted his things as soon as possible.

"They are already inside of your room. They were given to us when you were undergoing the medical procedures," was what the alien said, and Corey couldn't help but feel relieved. He couldn't wait to change into his pajamas and sleep.

The dinner itself didn't take more than half an hour; Rey was  just too tired to finish the whole meal. The exhaustion wasn't enough to make his taste buds numb, though. The food was delicious. Hesitant for a second - when he saw all the strange food on his plate - he gave it a try when Azka explained it was something similar to Earth's fruit and vegetable. If he had to compare it to something, he would say it tasted like carrots with cucumbers and apples, and it was much more filling than he would expect. Corey was full after eating barely half of his serving.

Stretching his arms, he tugged at the blanket and turned over on his side. He had to try and fall asleep. He was sure he would collapse the next day otherwise.


Waking up in the morning was confusing for the human boy. One of the Suns was already up, its bright shine shining through the walls, a light blue rays falling right into Corey's room. It created an effect of an undersea aquarium. It made Corey feel extremely puzzled when he woke up. Sitting up, sleepily rubbing his eyes, he was startled for a minute, confused as to where he was at the moment. It took him a while to remember the events of the previous day. 

Eyes roving round the room, he was stunned to see it in the day light. Everything seemed so different he was contemplating whether he was still in the same room as the night before. All of the furniture, from the small table right across the bed to the several rows of shelves to his right, reminded him of an underwater castle he saw in a fairytale book when he was a child. It was breathtaking.

Getting up from the bed, he stretched and went straight for the bathroom. He didn't have time and energy to check it the day before, so he was stunned, again, when he opened the door. Everything inside of the room almost looked as any other human bathroom back on Earth. It made him wonder if it was made just recently because everything looked too new to be used. If he had to be honest, though, he was a little bit disappointed because the modern look ruined the fairytale vibes he god a second ago. On the other hand, it was something that could make him feel home again, so it wasn't so bad. 

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