Chapter Four - Don't Want to Know Me

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Dakota's Point of View

"Remember that girl from the park?" I asked Yvonne and Janet the next day at school.

"The one under the tree?" Yvonne asked and I nodded.

"Yeah." Janet said. "She wouldn't stop watching you. Creepy much."

"Well, she was at the cemetery yesterday afternoon." I said.

"Really?" Janet asked. "What was she doing there."

"I don't really know." I said. "She was just leaning against a tree smoking."

"Seems you've got yourself a stalker." Yvonne said. I didn't mention that I'd spent a week trying to stalk her.


That afternoon, I returned to the park. I wanted to get to know Alex better, although I couldn't explain why. And despite having only seen her at the park, I had a pretty good feeling about it.

After sitting in my car for an hour, I was just about to give up and go home when I spotted her. Wearing her usual tattered uniform, she was walking down the street smoking a cigarette. Without even thinking about it I jumped out of my car and jogged up to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked, not looking to happy to see me.

As much as I wanted to lie to her, tell her I was just going for an afternoon jog, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Besides, she'd probably see through it if I did. I was still wearing my school uniform, not at all appropriate for jogging, and my car was parked ten metres behind me.

"I was hoping I'd run into you." I told her the truth.


"I don't know." I looked down at my hands, unable to meet her eyes. "I just want to get to know you better."

"Trust me, you don't."

My head snapped up, but she was looking over my shoulder rather than at me.

"And why's that?" I asked.

"Because my Dad is Malcom Brown."

"Why's that matter?" I asked. "I don't even know who that is."

"Google him." She said and walked away.

Alex's Point of View

I bit back tears as I left her standing there. She'd hate me once she found out. But it had to be done. She deserved to know. What I couldn't work out, however, was why I cared so much. I didn't even know the girl for Christ's sake.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind of thoughts of her without success. I knew exactly what I needed.

I knew the walk to Tylor's house like I knew the back of my hand. I stopped at the bottle shop on my way there, picking up a bottle of vodka. He smiled when he opened the door and saw me standing on his doorstep.

"Long time, no see, Brown." He said as he let me in. "I though you might've quit."

"I thought so too." I mumbled. "But I need to forget."

"I'm sure we can manage that."

I threw myself onto his couch, opened the bottle and took a swig. It burned as it went down but I didn't care. I handed him the bottle to take a swig and he passed me the joint he had just lit. I took a long drag. It'd been a while. I hadn't drunk or smoked anything other than normal cigarettes since I first saw Dakota. But that wasn't going to happen anymore. Why should I let some rich girl I didn't even know change me?

Besides, she'd hate me come morning anyway.

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