Part 33 Back To Space

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Everyone was at the spaceport waiting well there ship was getting filled with gas.

So what are we gonna do now that Arthur Is dead ? Greg Asked Eric

We're going to head back to the bounty hunter guild to tell them and give Tavoni a proper funeral. Eric Said

Whiskers walked over to Eric.

Eric I'm gonna stay here and help with the orphanage If that's ok. Whiskers Said

Eric Smiled.

If that's what you want It's fine with me friend just remember If you need us call got It. Eric Said

Thanks this Is what I think Tavoni would have wanted. Whisker Said

Whiskers walked out of the building and Gwen and Ellen walked over to Eric Rose and Abby.

Why Is Whiskers leaving ? Gwen Asked Eric

He wants to stay and help run the orphanage he told me that's what Tavoni would have wanted. Eric Said

Oh well If that's what he wants we can't stop him. Gwen Said

That's what I told him. Eric Said

Rose and Greg were reading a comic book and laughing Eric looked at them.

Where did you two get that did you steal It ? Eric Asked Them

Rose looked at him all innocently well Greg whistled and looked at the sky.

Dad I'm an angel I wouldn't steal anything I just had Greg do It for me. Rose Said

Greg glared at her and Eric looked at him.

So you stole this for her huh ? Eric Asked Greg

Maybe what If I did. Greg Said

I think It's pretty hilarious. Greg Said with a Smirk

Greg looked at him shocked.

So you're not mad ? Greg Asked Eric

A little but you did It for my little girl so I'm ok with It just don't do It again. Eric Said

Ok sir I won't. Greg Said

Good. Eric Said

Eric turned to see Abby smiling at him.

What ? Eric Asked Abby

Nothing I just think It's sexy when you take charge. Abby Said

Eric Smiled and kissed her.

Not as sexy as you. Eric Said

Rose and Greg went back to reading their comic a man walked over and looked at Eric.

Your ship's ready to go. The Man Said

Thanks. Eric Said

Eric handed the man his money and he smiled.

No problem. The Man Said

The Man walked away and Eric looked at everyone.

Ok everyone let's go. Eric Said

Everyone got up and got on the ship and Rose looked at Eric.

This Is my first time on a ship I'm scared. Rose Said

Don't worry you'll be fine. Eric Said

If you say so dad. Rose Said

Rose walked over and sat down next to Greg and grabbed his hand Greg looked at her.

What's with the hand holding ? Greg Asked Rose

I'm scared and you're my boyfriend so you have to hold my hand. Rose Said

Ok fine. Greg Said

Gwen walked Into the cockpit and sat down and started the ship and It few up in the air Eric looked out the window to see whiskers waving at them Eric smiled and waved back then the ship took off Into space Greg looked over to see Rose screaming and squeezing his hand.

It's going to be fine I'm here. Greg Said

SHUT UP I'M GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rose Yelled

Greg pulled her Into a hug making her blush and calm down.

T...Thanks I needed this. Rose Said

Your welcome. greg Said

So what do you have to do on the ship ? Rose Asked Greg

Well we have virtual chest. Greg Said

Cool let's play so I can kick your ass. Rose Said

If I get what I got last time I'll gladly lose. Greg Said

Rose blushed.

S...Shut up. Rose Said

Greg walked over and set up the game.

Coming over to play or what. Greg Said

Yeah. Rose Said

Rose got up and walked over and sat across from him.

Ready to lose. Rose Said

Hell no. Greg Said

Eric walked Into his room to see Abby laying on his bed naked.

Hello handsome. Abby Said

Eric blushed.

Hello beautiful. Eric Said

Eric walked In and took his clothes off and jumped on top of her and kissed her. 

you ready for a fun night. Abby Said

I always am. Eric Said

Gwen and Ellen where sitting In the cockpit and staring outside Into space.

So how long till we get to the Bounty Hunter guild ? Ellen Asked Gwen

A few days. Gwen Said

Ellen Smiled.

Wanna go to your room and have sex ? Ellen Asked Gwen

What I thought I told you where thur after you broke up with me for Eric. Gwen Said

Ahhh come on you aren't that bad are you. Ellen Said

Gwen looked at her angrily.

What do you think you are playing with people's emotions. Gwen Said

Ellen looked at her socked.

I...I'm sorry I didn't know you were angry about that. Ellen Said

Well I am so don't bring It up got It. Gwen Said

Fine whatever. Ellen Said

Ellen got up and walked to the back to see Greg and Rose In a intense game ofvirtual chest.

Who's winning ? Ellen Asked Them

Me. Greg Said

Not for long. Rose Said

Ellen smiled and sat on the couch and started watching the tv.

                                                       END OF CHAPTER          

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