Part 41 Destination Earth

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Eric was walking In a house.

Where am I. Eric thought to himself

he looked around the house.

Is this my old home from earth I haven't been here since i got abducted and taken Into space.

Eric walked Into the kitchen and saw someone sitting at the table and tap the person's shoulder.

Hello. Eric Said

The person turned around and Eric's eyes widened.

No It can't be. Eric Said

What's wrong son don't you remember your mother. Clara Said

What no It's just I haven't seen you In so long. Eric Said

Clara smiled.

It's nice to see you too son. Clara Said

Eric hugged Clara then he woke up In his and Abby's bed.

It was a dream. Eric Said

Eric turned over and looked at the clock to see It was five thirty.

Might as well get ready for the day. Eric thought to himself

Eric sat up and yawned the then stretched then got up and went Into the bathroom and did his business then walked out and Into the kitchen then made toast and sat down and started eating.

Hey. Ellen Said

Eric turned to see Ellen standing In the doorway.

Morning Ellen. Eric Said

Morning to you too. Ellen Said

Ellen walked In and started making herself something to eat.

So how was your sleep ? Ellen Asked Eric

Not that good a had a dream about my mother again. Eric Said

Ellen looked at him.

Well maybe your brain Is trying to tell you to go find her. Ellen Said

Eric looked shocked.

You do know she's on earth and who know's how long It's been since I've seen her. Eric Said

Hey I'm just trying to help you Is all. Ellen Said

Maybe you're right. Eric Said

Who's right about what ? Someone asked Eric

Eric looked at the door again to see Abby.

Morning babe. Eric Said

Morning to you too handsome. Abby Said

Ellen glared at Abby and Abby glared right back.

What's wrong with you too ? Eric Asked Them

Nothing where fine. Abby Said

Yeah we're fine just leave It. Ellen Said

Eric shrugged his shoulders.

So what were you two talking about ? Abby Asked Them

I've been having dreams about my mother and Ellen told me she thinks we have to go find her. Eric Said

Abby looked shocked.

Well maybe she right so where are you from anyways ? Abby Asked Eric

Earth I'm half human. Eric Said

Abby's eyes widened.

Really you're half human that's so cool now I want to meet your mother. Abby Said

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