Chapter 5: 4.20.1 The Rapture

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Red, orange, and yellow all engulfed Cassandra's vision as she spun around in quick circles, her eyes surveying the apartment around her. She was trapped in the room, screaming out her sister's name. The smoke choked her with every scream but she kept going, desperate to find her sister and get her out.

    "Jessica!" Cassandra yelled, bringing a fist up to her mouth as she hacked out the black smoke in her lungs. Beads of sweat formed on her hairline from the excruciating heat of the flames that licked the walls and destroyed everything in sight. "Jessica! Where are you?" A heavy feeling in her gut told her to look up. Knowing she'd regret it, Cassandra's gaze drifted up to the ceiling where her sister was pinned, blood dripping down from her sliced stomach through the flames. Her blue eyes widened. "No! Jess!" The front door burst open and a younger Dean came running in.

    "Sam!" Sam, still laying back on the bed, raised an arm to shield his face as he stared up at his girlfriend in horror. Cassandra watched in fear and confusion. She had never seen Sam and Dean in her nightmares before. It had just been Jess.

    "Sam? Dean?" Cassandra called out. They paid her no attention. It was as if they couldn't hear or see her. Sam continued to stare up at Jessica, drops of her blood sliding down his forehead from moments before.

"Jess!" Sam yelled out. Dean rushed into the room, calling out his brother's name frantically.

"Sam! Sam!" Dean followed Sam's gaze to the ceiling, his eyes widening when he saw the blonde staring down at them, her stomach sliced open as the stench of burning flesh dominated the scent of the smoke.

"No! No!" Cassandra watched as Dean grabbed Sam from the bed, shoving him out of the door. Sam fought back, struggling to get to Jess. Cassandra stood there in confusion, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her mind screamed at her to run and follow the Winchesters but her heart told her to try and save her sister. Finally, Dean managed to shove Sam out of the apartment and drag him downstairs. "Jess! Jess! No!" was the last thing Cassandra heard Sam yell before the flames took her, too.

"Princess, wake up!" Cassandra's eyes shot open and she gasped, sitting up and struggling to catch her breath. Her heart pounded furiously against her ribcage and she could feel the same energy she had in the dream rushing through her. Dean arched an eyebrow at her reaction, eyeing her worriedly. "You good?" A layer of cold sweat covered Cassandra's body like a second skin, her clothes soaked. Her gaze rushed around the room, taking in the scenery of yet another old, grimy motel room. She sucked in a deep breath and closed her eyes, clawing at the carpet under her for a sense of safety and security. She had taken the corner again instead of sharing a bed with one of the boys.

Suddenly her stomach lurched in her body and she got up, scrambling towards the bathroom. Her knees smacked the ground just as she released the contents of last night's dinner from her stomach in the toilet. Sam and Dean exchanged worried glances, rushing into the doorway of the bathroom as she continued to retch and vomit into the toilet. The stench of burning flesh from her dream still lingered, her mind foggy and jumping all over the place.

Dean frowned and pushed his way in, pulling back her hair as she puked up mucus and saliva. There hadn't been much food in her as it was. "Are you okay?" Dean asked softly. Cassandra shook her head, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes as she continued to hack up mucus.

"I wanna go home and see my mom," she choked out. Cassandra wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and flushed the toilet, leaning back against the bathtub as her chest heaved with every struggled breath. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself. Dean sighed and glanced over at Sam who watched them solemnly before returning his attention to the blonde.

"You know you can't do that." Cassandra nodded. Dean eyed the bathroom floor before looking back to the Nephilim. "Alright, you know what? You stay here." Her eyes fluttered open and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Cas came to me in a dream and said he needed to meet up with me. We were going to bring you but there's no way you're coming now." Cassandra perked up slightly at the mention of the angel.

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