Chapter 33: 5.16.2 Dark Side of the Moon

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"All Access Pass to the Magic Kingdom," Ash said as he started to draw another sigil on the steel door in chalk. Dean and Cassandra stood behind him, watching with intrigue.

"Good," Dean replied. Ash turned and looked at him in disbelief. Dean arched a single eyebrow. "Not good?"

"That Zachary fella's going to be watching every road to the Garden," Ash explained.

Behind Dean and Cassandra, Pamela was pulled into a tight hug by Sam. "Watch your ass," Pamela told him. Sam nodded and turned, making his way to the door next to Cassandra. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched as Dean made his way over to the psychic to say his goodbyes. "And Dean."

Dean held out his arms for a hug but Pamela seemed to have another idea. She pulled his head down for a kiss that only lasted a few seconds before pulling away briefly and staring him in the eyes. She reattached her lips to his, the second kiss longer. If Cassandra hadn't cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes at the psychic then she was afraid she would've taken Dean into the back room. Dean's face flushed a bright red but Pamela only smirked.

"Yup. Just how I imagined," Pamela whispered, patting the Hunter's cheek and chuckling. Dean seemed to be a bit dazed and confused. He turned to Cassandra, smiling sheepishly at the glare she sent his way.

"Smooth," Cassandra said.

"You said it yourself, Princess. We may not last."

"Ouch. You hurt my feelings, Winchester," Cassandra teased with a small smirk. Dean could see right through the teasing manner. He could see how much that kiss and his words had hurt her. She still knew she was at fault but she couldn't help but feel just a little pissed at Dean. He had lied to her more than she had ever lied to him.

Ash stood up and turned towards the Winchesters, taking a small step back upon realizing just how close Sam actually was. He sighed loudly and dramatically. "Ah, gentlemen...and Nephilim. I don't mean to be a downer or anything but...I'm sure I'll see you again soon," Ash told them. Dean glanced back at Pamela and sent her a wink, earning a warm smile. He turned back to Ash.

"Well, keep a sixer on ice for us," Dean said. Ash nodded.

"Yeah." Ash pulled open the door for the trio and they walked through, Sam first.

They all stopped and glanced around in confusion. They were back in their old house in Lawrence except this time it was slightly darker as all of the lights had been turned off. "What the... Why are we back home?" Dean questioned. Cassandra shook her head.

"I don't know. So what are we going to do?" she replied. Dean shrugged.

"Keep looking for the road again, I guess." They turned to leave when Mary appeared behind Dean, the white nightgown that she had died in resting loosely on her body.

"Honey. Why are you up?" Mary asked with a smile. Dean hesitated slightly but pushed through it. They had more important things to do.

"Look. I'm-I'm sorry. I love you but you're not real and we don't have time—"

"Did you have another nightmare? Tell me," Mary interrupted. Dean shook his head, briefly glancing towards Cassandra.

"I gotta go." Dean started to walk off when Mary's voice stopped him. She stepped forward, the smile still stretched across her lips. It didn't look real. It looked...evil; forced.

"Then how 'bout I tell you my nightmare, Dean? The night I burned." Mary's smile fell and blood seeped through her nightgown, pooling on the floor around her feet. Cassandra's eyes widened and she gasped, stepping back and just missing running into Sam. Dean's voice shook as he spoke:

Monster (A Supernatural Fanfiction) [1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz