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I can't even look at the mirror
Without feeling disgusted
Every time I look at the mirror
A voice in my head pops out of nowhere
And points out all of my flaws
I'm just ugly In general
People expect more from me
They want more from me
But I just wish they knew
How hard I'm trying to please everyone
But no matter how hard I try it's never enough
I'm sick and tired
There's always someone better than me
better than I am in everything
I'm sick and tired of being underestimated
I'm always trying my hardest but it's never good enough
And it'll never be
I'm battling my own my mind
I'm trying not to rip my skin apart
I'm trying to stay strong
But I've just reached my limit
This is my breaking point
I just want to take a break from
All of the stress
All of people's bullshit
I want to stop thinking for a goddamn second
But I know it'll never happen

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