Chapter 16

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"So friends?" Rich asked pulling away.

I smiled, "Yeah, friends."

He pretended to wipe sweat from his forehead. "Woo, thank god. It's extremely hard ignoring you when you're around so much."

I playfully punched him in the arm. "Oh, please, I'm sure you look forward to seeing me."

"Mmm maybe I do," he looked down at his watch, "hey, look, I gotta get going but I'll see you for dinner?"

I thought about it for a second, "I can't. I actually have plans tonight."

"Oh," he seemed surprised, "well tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow's great."

And with that I got my best friend back. And just like that, I let go of the love of my life.


"So you're telling me that you ditched Mr. Hottie Tot for me? Well, I'm flattered, but darling, you fucked up." Luciano said as he sipped from his wine glass.

"You were the one that said I shouldn't give in so easily!" I retorted.

"Ha! I meant don't give in to the sex. Sex! S-E-X!"

"Okay, first, I know how to spell and second, he's getting married. Wouldn't that be like adultery?"

"He's engaged, not married. It's a long road from the bended knee to the alter. And from what I hear, you two seem to be like two peas in a pod."

"We were, are, ugh you know what I mean." I said as I got up to refill my glass.

"What was his reaction when you canceled tonight?" Luciano asked.

"Mmm he looked surprised." I scoffed, "Probably surprised that I had a life at all."


"Hmm?" I arched my eyebrow.

"Yes, hmm."

I gave him a dead pan look.

"You're no fun. I think he's surprised that you rejected his offer. I'm sure you always agree to do anything with him."

"Not always." I argued.

Luciano looked at me with a stale expression. He brought the glass to his lips as I pondered what he said. Do I always go along with whatever he says?

"I see you finally realize I'm right. Congrats, Vivian, the news has finally flashed before you." he said sarcastically.

"Whatever." I muttered.

"So does Richard know you're spending the night with a very much single, attractive man?"

"But you're gay."

He smirked, "But he doesn't know that."


"Rich, it's me!" I said walking into his condo.

"In the kitchen!"

Luciano put his arm around me before we turned the corner.

"Just play along." he whispered into my ear.

We walked into the kitchen and saw Rich at the stove. Alise was sitting on a stool at the island. She was too busy to even notice.

"You know, Viv, when you called if you could still come for dinner I was surprised. I thought you had plans." Rich said wiping down the counter top, his back still turned.

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