Chapter 29

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I guess his reaction was expected. I mean, c'mon, the guy runs away at every problem he's ever faced. But still, it surprised me when he got in his car and drove away without so much as a word. All that was left was my shattered memories and Steven. 

He was always there. Always. Okay, well except for that one time. 

He didn't say anything to me. He just held and carried me up the stairs to the apartment. We spent the night mourning. The lights were kept off, and the foot prints we brought home were framed and hung on the bedroom wall. Steven had even lit all the candles he could find, which served it's purpose of lighting the way for little Ian to finally go home. 

By the time it was pitch black outside, we laid in bed together. Not even touching. There was a big wall between us now. And honestly, I didn't know how to knock it down. And by his hesitant actions, he didn't know how to either.

I stared at the ceiling thinking about absolutely nothing. It was frustrating and numbing. I wanted to cry but I didn't. It's a difficult feeling to explain but my heart was restricting. I turned facing away from Steven, feeling the slight draft from the open window. Desperately, I tried to close my eyes and sleep but it was to no avail. 

A heavy weight set on my waist and I turned to see Steven's face not even an inch away. His dark brown eyes stared at me with a knowing look.

"Can't sleep?" he murmured.

I shook my head, "You?"

He let out a soft laugh. "Not a chance."

"Where do we go from here?"

"Wherever we choose to go, Vivs. I mean, life can't get any harder than it already is. There's no where else to go but up."

"How do you do that? You're always bouncing back so fast."

"I've learned that there's no point in counting your problems when there's so much more out there to live for."

I smiled, "That's a good standard to live by."

He squeezed my waist, "It is. And I'll be here to live by it with you, as long as you need me to that is."

"You'll stay? Even after all this?" I mumbled.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"It's just, you had a life. Probably a far better life in L.A. and you moved to New York because of the baby. But now...that doesn't quite apply anymore."

"We should get some sleep." 

He closed his eyes and snuggled closer to me. I looked at him expectantly but he just pretended to sleep. No one falls asleep that fast. I used the palm of my hand and hit his chest. He winced but quickly changed his expression to sleeping again. I scoffed and turned away from him. 

He easily pulled me closer, my back hitting his chest. His arm wrapped around my stomach firmly. "It wasn't all for the baby."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Safe to say neither of us wanted to venture out just yet. So we opted to stay in and watched White Chicks on Netflix. I know, we're such interesting people. 

Thanks to all the candles the room smelled of strawberry sorbet, and on top of that Steven was making caramelized popcorn. The house smelled...delicious. It helped my mood brighten but it was still hard to fill the huge void in the room. 

"Popcorn is ready. You ready to watch some white chicks kick ass?"

"More like hilarious sexual innuendos. That's really all I look forward to after seeing it so many times." I said popping a piece of caramel goodness in my mouth. Mmm it's still warm.

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