Chapter Eighteen

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My lungs burned as I ran through the trees. After I had read the file my wolf and I had decided it was best to get away from everyone to release the rage that was boiling in our veins. Maricella, my mate, as a ten year old girl was abused and tortured for some sick idea of revenge. I had known that. Alpha Lawrence had given me the concept of it but he never gave me details. The details in the file had been vague, very basic but had just been enough so that I could imagine what she had to go through and each image that was constructed made the rage boil worse and worse until I could feel my limbs bending and aching from the pressure of the shift that would have been forced onto me if I hadn't left.

I had been running for hours. Trying to run off the rage or at least run my wolf and I to the point of exhaustion. It seemed like that was the only option that was working. Our legs burned as we patrolled the small territory. The wild wolf pack that was living in the area with Victor had avoided me, feeling the waves of dangerous rage that rolled off me. I appreciated the avoidance, I hadn't wanted to hurt any of them. They were part of Maricella's family and she never would have forgiven me for hurting them. I didn't know her a lot but I knew that much.

I finished my sprint around the territory before turning back to the house. My tongue hung out and my wolf was silent, too exhausted to even whine. I had pushed myself harder than I should have but I needed to. I needed to drive myself to the point of exhaustion because if I didn't I would have taken off after Tacita. I would have taken off to kill those responsible for her abuse. I had a vague understanding about which pack warriors would have been cruel enough to beat a little girl and then there was Ingrid. There was very little I didn't want to do to her. I wanted her to feel every little thing she ever did to Maricella and the Omegas before and after her. I wanted to break her down until there was nothing left and only when she begged for death or mercy would I give her that only kindness she had deserved.

Despite my exhaustion rage flared up once more but I pushed it away. I couldn't allow myself to get out of control, not around Maricella, she deserved more than that. I ignored the rage that demanded I destroy everything in my path and focused on Maricella. I pushed everything away as I raced towards her. I needed her in my arms, to make sure she was okay. I wasn't paying attention and nearly slammed into Alpha Sterling. I felt my claws dig into the earth as I came to a stop. It was strange how he was in the middle of the forest, so far from the house.

"Shift." He held out a pair of what looked to be shorts and I did as he requested. I took the shorts with a small nod before looking at him. His face was pale and he looked haggard. "I need your help." There seemed to be something in his tone and I narrowed my eyes as I pulled the shorts on. Something wasn't right. Something was going on.

"Can't it wait?" I couldn't help the aggressive tone I had taken. I needed to be with Maricella, something wasn't right. The need to be with her was growing and I stiffened slightly at the thought of his sudden appearance and my apprehension. Something was going on and I didn't like it.

"No. I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't need the help. Maricella told me to ask you." He was lying and it didn't sit right with me. I narrowed my eyes more and tilted my head. I needed to figure out what was he lying about and why. "Stop looking at me like that. I'm a weak Alpha. I have people who wish to challenge me but hold back because of Ezekiel and Michael but this situation is bad." He ran a hand through his hair and looked frazzled for lack of a better word. "My pack is splintering, Bennett, and I can do nothing to stop it. I'm a shit Alpha. I know it, Jace knows it and my pack knows it." His words floored me. His brutal honesty struck a chord deep in my chest. This man had found some of my respect. An Alpha who was willing to admit his short comings was one I could respect. "I can't run a pack. I can barely use an Alpha Command. I'm fucked." He let out a sigh that seemed to make the air around us heavier.

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