Chapter Eighteen: Part Two

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I had held her in my arms the entire night. Not once did she move and not once did I falter in my sombre vigil over her. By the time the sun crested the horizon my wolf and I were worn out. I hoped fervently and prayed to the moon a hundred thousand times that she would wake up and be there once more but her absence was still palpable to us. She had not returned in her sleep, she was still trapped where ever it was that her mind had her.

I ignored the sounds in the house as the rest of the pack members woke up. I ignored my hunger, my feelings did not matter as long as Maricella was stuck in within herself. I ignored Davin as he slowly rolled off of the cot, picking Bailey up in his arms. "I'll keep them out, Bennett. You try to get her to come back." He said it in a low voice as he shifted his sleeping mate and I said nothing as my hand slowly rubbed Maricella's back. I knew the action soothed me more than it did her but I couldn't stop it. It had almost become automatic, mechanical even. He left the room and I stared at the wall on the other side of the infirmary.

Maricella shifted slightly on my lap, her form straightening and I watched as her eyes opened. The eerie blankness was ever present and I simply wrapped her in my arms, whispering into her ear. I told her of my hopes and dreams for her, for us. Hours passed and no one entered the room as I spoke to her, my voice slowly going hoarse from the constant stream of words coming from my mouth. I was trying everything I could to reach her in a place I couldn't follow. It burned at me that she was with me but she wasn't truly there. I promised myself I would be there for her but now she was so far away. Her mind had escaped to a place I couldn't follow.

I bent ym head, pressing my lips to her hair before I stiffened and snarled as the door flew open to reveal a red faced doctor. Her eyes landed on Maricella and I shifted her, blocking the woman's gaze. She let out a threatening snarl as she advanced. I felt a red haze cover my entire being as the rage surged forward. She was a threat and would try to take our mate from us. I returned her snarl with one of my own.

"Bennett, calm down! She needs to see her pup!" Davin's voice was booming but I had my entire focus on the blond doctor who was growling just as violently as me. My wolf and I wanted her, and everyone else, far away from our mate.

"Mine!" Her voice was low and growed and I snarled at her as she took another step forwards. "My pup." Her blue eyes faded to pain filled confusion before she ran her hands through her hair bunching the blond strands in her fists. Her entire demeanour went defeated and she whimpered. "I failed her, my pup. I should have done more. I should have done something." Her voice cracked as she looked towards Maricella and I found the rage lessening as I watched her crumble with guilt and fear. "What would An-Andrew say?" She faltered on his name and tears filled her eyes.

"I couldn't protect our pup." She whispered it out and crouched down, tugging on her hair, sobbing harshly. I and my wolf were uncomfortable with how the interaction was going. We could sense the familial bond and we knew its importance and with a heavy and great reluctance I set Maricella on the cot before moving to the sobbing female. I said nothing as I picked her up, placing her on the cot beside Maricella. The sobbing did not stop but Amber wrapped her arms around my unresponsive mate and cried into her shoulder.

I didn't want to leave her alone, not with how she was but I knew how important the bond between her and Amber was. Amber needed to see to her child, her wolf demanded it of her intensely. I left the infirmary, ignoring Davin as I closed the door and stood guard beside it. It was a far as I was allowing myself to go.

Davin let out a sigh and leaned against the wall beside me. A thick silence fell as I tried my hardest to hear what was going on inside of the medical room. "It's past noon. Do you want anything to eat?" He asked it quietly and I shook my head, not trusting my voice to work. My throat was sore from the constant stream of pleas and hopes that I had spoken. I ran my hand over my face and tried to force myself to think of a solution that wasn't claiming our bond. "Just keep trying, Bennett. Something is bound to get through." He reached out before hesitating, his arm hanging in the air before he let out a sigh and patted my shoulder gently. I tensed at the contact but we could sense what he was doing, offering sympathy and friendship. "I don't know what I would do if it were Bailey. She's my everything." He sounded pained and I simply nodded.

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