Level 29: Fall In Love With The Wrong Guy

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The next morning, I followed Axel's directions to the painting house.

The phone rang as I slipped out of the car. Axel's voice tremored through me, "Are you here?

"Yeah," I said as I moved towards the doors.

"Cool—come upstairs."

I slid off my shoes and entered the house.

Even though I'd already seen the painting in the front room, it still hit me like I was looking at it for the first time.

I couldn't believe how talented Axel was. I forced my eyes away, jogging up the stairs.

The hallway was empty. "Where are you?"

Axel's voice was muffled: "Next to the star room."

My brows furrowed. That was the room Axel had said he hadn't painted yet.

I pulled the door open.

And I froze.

"This is..." My voice trailed off.

And I lost the capability to make words.

"Do you like it?"

My eyes flashed to Axel. His clothing, his hair and face were splattered with paint. His fingers were covered in red and orange and blue.

Then I stared at the walls.

Painted across one wall was last night's party—except it was how I'd imagined it. Axel and I were painted dancing in the centre, but surrounding us wasn't a crowd—but colours, swollen red and orange, like the colour of a heartbeat.

And the second one.

The second painting was of the ice rink. We skated, fingers clasped, in the centre of an expanse of blue and white.

It was...


"I love it," I breathed.

And then Axel grinned.

It wasn't one of his normal amused smirks. Not the ones that I had started to realise were part of his mask.

No, this one outshone them all.

And it felt like I was staring at a completely different person. His eyes were soft, his face glowing.

Looking at him, it suddenly made sense why I'd stopped caring about what Mark and Alissa had done.

Because it hadn't mattered anymore.

It hadn't mattered because I wasn't in love with Mark.

It hadn't mattered, because I was in love with Axel Ryder.

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