Level 57: Keep A Secret

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I slipped into my room at 5:00 am. Outside, dawn was streaking the sky a pale blue. I leaned back against the door, sliding down until I hit the floor. Did all of that just happen? I pinched myself to confirm that I was still awake. Yep, I was awake.

Brielle was blackmailing Axel.

He didn't love her.

Relief surged through me, followed by nausea.

Everything he'd done seemed different in light of it. The way she touched him in public, the way he stiffened, his tight smiles. She had to know he hated it. But she did it anyway. And Axel just took it, all of it, for his brother.

She was absolutely awful.

When I could move, I crawled into bed. He'd had to deal with everything alone—his brother, Brielle. If anything, I wanted to be there to support him.

Just before I succumbed to sleep, a thought jolted me awake.

I'd told Axel I loved him.

But he hadn't said it back.


The sound of a female voice woke me up.

I peeled my eyelids back, exhaustion sending a pulse of pain through my skull. I blinked when sunlight burned my eyes. "Wha...?"

Alissa's face appeared in my line of sight.

She was standing beside my bed, dressed in her pyjamas.

"Alissa?" I mumbled. I sat up, alert. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"

She shook her head. "Sorry—I didn't mean to wake you. I thought you were—" She started to step back. "I'll come back later..."

I rubbed my eyes. "No, it's fine," I croaked. I patted my bed. "What's wrong?"

She hesitated, then sat. She scanned the room. "I just...I saw you leave last night," She rushed out. "I didn't hear you come home, and I was worried." She studied my face, and I noticed how pale she looked, the shadows beneath her eyes. "I sent a text and you didn't answer."

My eyes widened. She'd been worried about me?

I'd been so nervous about meeting Axel that I hadn't bothered to check my phone.

"Where did you go?" she asked.

"I..." I hesitated. "I went to see Axel."

Her eyes widened. "Isn't he dating Brielle?"

I glanced around the room, then felt stupid—who would be listening?

I whispered anyway, "She's blackmailing him."

Alissa's jaw fell. "Are you serious?"

I nodded.

"With what?"

I grimaced, shaking my head. "Sorry, I can't tell you."

After everything Axel had done to keep what his brother had done a secret, it would be wrong to say anything.

He hadn't even been able to say the words when he'd told me about it. I'd seen the way his face had shrivelled, paled, like he was going to be sick.

"I can't believe she's blackmailing him," Alissa muttered. "It must run in the family."

A laugh burst from my throat, surprising both of us.

"So, what are you two going to do?" Alissa asked a moment later.

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