Chapter 22

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As soon as Donngal had opened the door Rowen had seen that it blocked his view of the back corner. By the time he had turned back into the room she was on the support beam, wrapping the rope around her waist and trying not to breath too hard. She didn't stay to watch her cousin search his room but instead began leaping from board to board. There wasn't enough time to make it to her room before the guards. Her pace slowed as she reached her destination; the kitchen. It was empty. She dropped down into it and began to work. On the shelf were cheeses and breads wrapped in thick cloth to stop any rodents. After unwrapping a loaf and a circle of cheese, she went over to the corner of the table. Using the knife she peeled of the bark rind from the edge of the cheese. With a glance around to make sure she was still alone, she cut off half off the cheese and stuffed it into a pocket then did the same with the bread. She crumbled up the bread and scattered it around the table. Next, she found the simplest clay cup and set it near the bits of food. After giving it a quick shove, it fell, bursting into fragments on the stone floor. In about a minute, a cook came rushing into the room. She found a sleepy Rowen rubbing her eyes surrounded by pieces of food. A glance to the left told her that it had been bread and cheese from her supply.

Rowen covered a yawn with a hand, then said, "I be begging you pardon, I didna mean to wake you."
"It be fine, me lady."

"You see, I missed the evening meal and I awoke in the middle of the night wanting food. So I came here. I must have fallrn asleep and knocked off me cup."

Trying not to be obvious the cook glanced at a row of casks lining the right wall. "What drink did you have, me lady?"

"Well, I dona believe I ever did get anything. I started sleeping before I did." Before the servant could reply there was the sound of running feet in the hall.

A breathless maid rushed into the room. "The Lady Maverick be gone! Her room be empty! Donngal said that..." She stopped as she caught sight of Rowen. "Oh! Me lady, but I thought..." She shook her head. "I dona understand."

"Just a midnight snack be all. I suppose I should be getting back before me cousin tears apart the whole Hall looking for me. Can you show me the way? I be afraid I spent some time wandering the halls trying to find the kitchen and dona know how to get back."

"I will show you, me lady, it be no trouble at all." She opened the door to find a guard hurrying toward them. At the sight of the missing Lady Orlaith he faltered and came to a halt in front of them. Confused, he bowed. "Me lady? But we were told that..."

Rowen held up a hand to stop him. "Good sir, please take me to Donngal."

"Of course, me lady." On the short walk to her cousin's rooms she thought of the things she might say. But by the time they reached their destination she was still not sure of what words to use. When Donngal opened the door, there was an unusual mix of confusion and relief on his face. "Me lady, where did you wander off to?"

"Just to the kitchen. I didna realize how easily you panic. Do you always go to such extremes when a person decides to have a bite of food at an odd time?"

"Only if that person be a ruler of a Clan, me lady."

"I see. But what trouble did you think had befallen me? Perhaps I canna even trust me own people now?"

"I didna mean to imply that. You be valuable, me lady. I wouldna want something to happen to you."

"Again what could happen to me in the center of an Irish town? Surely you dona think a wild beast had attacked me!"

He looked away to hide his emotions, whether anger or embarrassment she couldn't tell. "One can never be sure, me lady."

"Donngal, I be thanking you for your concern. I dona want to sound ungrateful." She sighed. "But it be time for us to return to our beds."

When Rowen reached her room she began to think over the things she had seen at Donngal's desk. There had been letters to various Clan leaders, copies of various declarations to the Maverick Clan and some from the surrounding area. The things she had found the most interesting were the pictures. The style of it made it clear that it was all the same artist; a talented artist at that. Another clue that the same person had drawn them was the small DM written in the corner of them. Rowen had assumed that it stood for Donngal Maverick. There had been drawings of flowers and animals, but the one with the most attention to detail was one of a girl. It was the same person who Donngal had treated it with such warmth at the camp; Eileen. He was clearly in love. What had stopped him from marrying her? With thoughts still crowding her head, she fell asleep, exhausted from her midnight escapade.

When Rowen woke the next morning she felt trapped. There seemed to be no escape. She was destined to lead these people to the very end, by herself. Each day her hope faded. William couldn't have survived. The future was bleak. There was no joy, no happiness, no smiles or laughter there. And yet... Though her fears were well-founded, deep in her heart a spark of hope blazed still. That spark was the only thing that kept her moving. There was a knock at the door.

Rowen stopped pacing and said, "Come in."

A maid entered, holding a tray that let off curls of steam and a delicious smell. "Morning, me lady." She carefully set it down on the table at the foot of the bed. She curtsied. "I hope you enjoy your breakfast, me lady." For a moment, she stood uncertainly then dipped her head and left.

With her usual perceiving eye, Rowen saw something white. On the bottom of the tray was a paper, neatly folded with Lady Orlaith written across it. She broke the wax, which bore no seal, and opened the letter.

To me cousin, Lady Maverick:

I be afraid for your life. I have reason to believe Donngal will try to kill you in the coming days. I didna dare to come to you, for fear he would find out somehow. For the same reason, you shouldna come to me. It be too dangerous. I have taken the precaution to have spies watching him to learn more of his dark plans. I never thought me own brother would stoop so low as to murder, but the facts leave me without another answer. Be on your guard, Orlaith. Dona underestimate him; he be capable of anything.

Your faithful servant,

Briana Maverick

Rowen released a deep breath and leaned back in her chair. It was an interesting warning, especially when one considered that Briana couldn't even write.

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