Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

       Soft rays of morning light were beaming across my closed eyes. I didn't want to wake up. I just wanted to snuggle closer to the warmth radiating against my side. Gentle fingertips reached up and smoothed the fallen pieces of hair away from my face.

       "I know you're awake."

       No, I wasn't. I was still sleeping, still enjoying the quiet emptiness of the dream world before I had to enter the crazy, chaotic, and mind-boggling reality.

       I made an odd, sleepy noise at the back of my throat and curled closer to the warmth. It was so nice, such a reprieve from the cold, darkness of my room. A dark chuckle washed slowly over me, and those soft fingertips traced teasingly down my arm.

       He didn't say anything else, but I knew he was patiently waiting for my mind to clear of its grogginess. I blinked tiredly up at the large warmth hovering beside me, my lips parted in a yawn.

       "I'm sleepy." I murmured before closing my eyes again and pressing myself against his warm chest. He let out another low laugh, but his large hand was reaching up and rubbing gently over my hair anyway.

       It had been the first night I had slept completely through, besides the time I slept beside him, in as long as I could remember. I didn't want it to end. Although, I knew if my mind wasn't so fuzzy I wouldn't be pressing against him like I was.

       "I would hold you against me like this for an eternity if I could. But there are things I must do today." He murmured against the top of my hair, his calloused hand soft as it rubbed gently over my back.

       My eyes blinked open again, my heart quickening in my chest. I was practically clinging to the King in my sleeping state, my fingers curled into fists against his strong chest. My eyes focused, the grogginess left my brain, and then I jerked away from him with a horrified, burning blush rising to my cheeks.

       "I-I'm so sorry!" I squeaked and tried to pull completely away from him, but his large hand snapped out and caught my upper arm before I could get very far. I gaped up at him, at the bright blue eyes narrowed in a disgruntled manner. My blush didn't ease.

       "Do not be sorry for clinging to me, Emrie. I am your mate, you are allowed to." His tone was hard, his voice low, even though it only made more heat rise to my neck.

       "I-I..." I stammered as he pulled me slowly back into him, his large, hard arms wrapping around me like a thick muscled blanket. So much for those things he needed to do.

       His tone eased as his warm lips rubbed gently along my forehead. The soft, surprising touch made my eyes widen. He's never really been this... touchy, before.

       "Such a shy little thing you are." He teased softly against my skin, his strong fingers winding gently into my messy hair.

       I remained quiet. I was too busy trying to keep my breathing calm. He was so close- and smelled so good. Like- like the snow after it had just freshly fallen. It made my head spin.

       "You are so different from the females of my kind." He started quietly, his breath hot as it tickled my skin. "They are used to the brutish mannerisms and behaviors of the males. Sometimes I forget that I have to be far more gentle with you." His tone was soft as his strong fingers rubbed gently at my head through my hair, his other arm holding me strongly to him.

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