Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

       It had been hours since Terif had escorted me back to the castle and practically locked me in the King's room. My nerves grew with each passing minute. There had been no sight of Adranus or Eirik and it only made the unease inside me grow. He was okay, I knew he was, I could feel that he was- but that didn't stop my worry.

       And Adranus... he had left as fast as he appeared. That white-hot lightning bolt of awareness that shot through me at his presence had completely disappeared, even though the stone pressed against my chest strummed with warmth.

       "What is happening?" My voice came out as an airy whisper as I let out a long, tired sigh and slowly lowered myself into the armchair in front of the fireplace.

       A servant had entered when Terif first locked me in the room, but I had waved them off. I was way too anxious to sit comfortably in a fire's warmth. I hadn't even changed out of my shredded and mud-soaked dress.

       Aeyron had been waiting for us at the entrance of the castle when we returned, a terribly worried frown plastered on his face, one that eased some when he saw us. He and Delos had stayed behind in case I managed to return before the others had found me, and I was beyond relieved at the fact. That was three Generals I knew were okay, which only made my nerves for Eirik grow.

       Where was he?

       I was exhausted and sitting down only made matters worse. The weight of the day was pulling heavily at my shoulders, and all I wanted to do was curl up in the comfortable chair and sleep for days.

       But Eirik wasn't back, and I wanted to be awake when he was. Adranus had promised to find him, but I knew that look in his eyes when he turned from me, a look of pure sadness. He wasn't coming back, and my heart didn't know how to handle the fact.

       The room was cold, and darkness shown from the clouded windows. The ominous apprehension of the space matched the ache in my chest. And I was so very tired...


       The voice was soft in my ear, nearly as gentle as the warm caress on my cheek. My heavy eyes blinked open. A warm orange glow shown slightly from the fireplace in front of me, heating the cold numbness that had fallen over my entire body.

       Eyes bluer than any sea gazed carefully over at me, their owner crouched half-naked in front of my curled, tattered form on the chair. The hard ball of stress and anxiety that had weighed heavily in my stomach even as I slept instantly eased.

       "Eirik..." Relief swamped through me, though his eyes were soft and his touch gentle, there was a disgruntled frown pulling at his lips. But I didn't care, I was too relieved to pay much attention.

       "You're alright." I exclaimed in sheer happiness and couldn't stop myself from quickly reaching over and throwing my arms around his thick neck.

       For some reason, unknown to me, tears filled my eyes and he sighed into my hair as my arms squeezed tighter around him. Large, bare arms wound slowly around my back and rubbed soothingly down my tattered dress.

       "Yes, I am alright." He grumbled into the crook of my shoulder, strong fingers curling tightly into the ends of my hair as his other hand continued to soothe along my back. He, thankfully, was wearing cotton pants, though my eyes were mainly drawn to the quickly healing scars on his chest and back. He had gotten hurt.

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