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Chapter 3

"What do you mean Henry sat next to you and then you proceeded to tell him off in front of the whole class and then skipped the next class entirely?!" Mo screeches in the courtyard.

I give her a flat look, and she just throws her arms up into the air.

"I couldn't help it okay, he just kept taking bull shit," I say with a shrug.

I see Mo's eye twitch, "Look, it was before class not a lot of people saw, or cared," I try to convince her.

"Blaze honey, you told off the Webb twins within the same morning. People are going to care," she corrects me and I just sink further into the bench we are perched at for lunch.

She made a good point that being in the cafeteria would just be asking for trouble so we escaped to the courtyard out front and are hidden away in some garden area she apparently goes to a lot since Kayla has gone after her more and more.

"Why do you even care," I snap not used to being taken care of, "you don't owe me anything," I state and can practically taste the venom from my words.

I was good at scaring people off, if nothing else.

She looks at me before tilting her head, "you're kidding right?" She asks and when I don't answer she continues.

"Blaze you are really fucking fun to be around, I'm never bored and it's nice to laugh once and a while. You're kinda the first human interaction I've had in school for about three weeks now. Everyone avoids me like the pledge," she explains and I feel the stab of guilt as I look down at the wilting flowers.

"Well good thing I'm immune to that bull shit anyways," I mumble and continue staring at the ground.

She plops herself down on the bench under a leafless tree with me and sighs, "I don't mean to be intrusive, but it's been good to talk to someone besides the mirror," she says.

A small smile forms on my lips, "Yeah I heard she can be pretty boring," I say and she slaps my arm.

Suddenly the bell goes off and we both groan, "I'll see you tomorrow okay, just play nice," she says and wonders off back into the school.

And I do as I am told, meaning skipping the next couple of classes.

I don't see the point in going to class on my first day anyways. What are they going to read my the syllabus and talk about how prestigious this school is, how smart the students are. How goddamn lucky I am to be here.

I snort at that thought, luck huh? That's definitely not how I got here.

As I leave the bathroom for the 8th time in the past hour I hear my name being called. I cringe as I recognize the voice, Mr. Patrick Williams. I try to quicken my pace but he catches up. His slack covered long legs have an advantage over me in my short ripped jeans covered legs.

"Blaze," he says and I sigh before slowly turning to face him.

"Patrick," I announce watching his eyes take me I'm curiously.

"Mr. Williams."

"Patrick," I repeat and he rolls his eyes no longer caring to correct me.

"Shouldn't you be in, I don't know, class?" He asks sarcastically, and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Shouldn't you be, I don't know, teaching a class," I snap back and his lip twitches as he tries not to smile.

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