La Amas

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Axel's POV

Chapter 23

ring ring ring

It worries me that this will be the first in 2 years I talk to him. The last time it was about my mother going missing while she was traveling the world, but turns out she just found another man that swept her off her rich-American feet.

When I say rich, I mean has a bank account full of money that she never earned, courtesy of my father, but does not have a problem using.

ring ring ring

I can't help but wonder if this is the right choice. She has faced so many different things, but this... What if this scares her away or what if he won't help.

ring ring r-

"Hola?" His deep raspy voice makes me grip the phone tighter.

"Hola Padre,"

"Mijo?" His voice curious but still calm, always calm, "¿Que paso? ¿Tú madre está bien? ¿Tú hermano está bien?"

(Son? What's wrong? Is your mother okay? Is your brother okay?)

"Sí," I bite out quietly.

"Tú estas bien?" He asks after a waiting for my to explain.

(Are you okay?)


"Then what is it?" He asks switch to English even with his thick accent, showing me he is impatient, that he needs answers.

"I-" I paused taking a breath. This is for her.

"I need your help," I mummble into the phone followed by a sigh.

Silence is all I hear on the other side and I run a hand through my hair in frustration, "Padre?" I ask irritation thick in my voice.

"I'm still here," He mumbles and I almost can't understand him because of how thick his accent becomes when he speaks quietly.

"Did you hear me?" I ask closing my eyes tight, unable to know what it feels like to have a normal conversation with my own father. This is the most civil I have been with him in years but he always gives it right back. Our fights are loud and usually end in a fist or two colliding.

"Sí, I heard you," He says but he still sounds quiet like he is thinking, I don't like it when he is thinking.

"And?" I ask pressing for more.

"Who is this favor for?" He asks cautiously, and it takes me back. I wasn't ready for him to ask me that.

"Qué?" I ask quickly.

"Don't play dumb Mijo, you never want my help. Last time you called it was because you were going to be evicted and your mother was missing. But this.." He pauses and takes a breath almost like he is worried, and if it was anyone else I would have believed it, "But this time it feels different."

"It is a little different this time," I admit somewhat quietly as her image crosses my closed eyelids.

"I can't put my neck out there for just anything. I am not alive because I am reckless. I have dodged more bullets from being thorough than you can even imagine," He rambles.

"I know," I snap back.

"Then who is it for?" He asks and I swallow hard wanting to keep this as in the dark as possible.

"A friend."

"If it is for that Hazel girl I already told you these things take time. I do not want a bigger mess with the police knowing I am poking my head into her father's case-"

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