Chapter Fifteen

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I pressed my palms together trying to create heat. Me and James had walked it to the house where the party is. We stood in front of a big villa-house. It was really pretty. The music penetrated through the walls and window of the the house. I felt a little anxious seeing how many people there are and was rethinking my decision of coming here.

People were highly intoxicated as they scattered around the patio passed out. We went in and I felt out of place. I was more of a stay at home, read or watch a movie type of person. This was not what I was used to. The faint smell of weed wafted up my nose and I cringed, it smelt horrible. People held bottle of alcohol in their hands and danced freely.

"I'm going to go say hello to Steve I'll be right back." I hear amongst the loud vulgar yet catchy lyrics of the song playing. He left into the crowd and I sat down on a sofa. After a minute or two I got up looking for the kitchen. I needed water or drink something to quench my thirst. I had finished the drinks in my bag but I was still thirsty which I'm sure was due to how uneasy I was feeling.

I find a up and then look at the sink to find it full of alcohol bottles. I tilt my head and wonder if I should have some. I'm sure one couldn't hurt.

five jello shots, two vodka cokes and one tequila later I was out of my head. I hadn't realised how great alcohol was at making you feel confident. I was buzzing, and probably more drunk than anyone else since I was a complete lightweight who barely drank.

However, as much fun as I was having I ran upstairs feeling the need to pee immediately. I find a room and open the door shrieking as I see people fornicating on the bed. Leaving the room I open another door to see no one and breathe in relief. The room had another door and it looked like a bathroom so I went in. Thankfully I was right and went to relieve myself. My head was throbbing and the loud music was not helping. I also hadn't seen James in a while and cursed myself for coming here. What was I thinking?

My phone rings making me almost fall of the seat. I panic and almost cry seeing the ID. My dad was calling, as shit scared as I as I had to pick up.

"Ayla it's almost ten where are you?" I hear my dad say and I gulp, oh god why did I come here.

"Da-dad I'm at Bri's I'm going to sleep over." I say lying through my teeth hoping he'd be convinced.

"But her parents are away on a trip are you sure you'll you'll be safe? And why is the music so loud?"

"Um yeah we'll be safe, the music is loud because were just having fun uh I'll see you tomorrow say bye to mum for me." I hung up before he could say anything else. I'm so fucked if he finds out, I'm fucked in general because how the hell could I let myself get drunk at some party on a school night. I clean myself and pull it together. Going back downstairs I walk into the crowd of dancing people and began swaying my hips duplicating the others. I feel someone behind me, their hands grazing my hips. I don't know who it is but I didn't push them away, not because I like it but more because I wasn't bothered.

On the other side of the room stood Liam one of Ryder's friends and a player on the team. He was on the phone looking at me as if he had an issue. I furrow my brows and keep dancing, I wonder what's up his ass.

The person who was grinding against me took my hand and started walking. I had no idea where he was taking me and I began feeling very nauseous. I hoped where we were going had a bathroom because I'm one hundred percent sure I'm about to throw up. The mystery man stop and I look around to see the same room I was in earlier. I look up to see him and smile.

"You're eyes are so-peetty-no-pretty." I say thinking out loud and stumbling like the drunken idiot I was. God how embarrassing can I get.

"Thanks, you're fit." He says and takes his top off. Wait, what does he think is going on. Mystery guy take my hand and guides me to the bed. If i wasn't this drunk and out of control I would be able to hit him, but its like my strength just disappeared. Lying me down he starts to kiss my neck, I shake my head and try to get up. "No sto-stop I--I don't want to. Please." My heart races as he doesn't listen, he's not stopping. I pleaded over and over again begging for him to stop. Why is he not stopping? He takes my dress off leaving me in my underwear. I feel sick, my stomach's turning and I just want to get up and run, but I'm stuck.

"Stop!" I say desperately. but he continued to ignore my pleas. just before he could take my undergarments off the door slams open and there stood Ryder his eyes dark, filled with fury. Ryder throws the guy off me and I get up running to the bathroom.

Tears fall from my eyes and I cant breathe. I hear the guy crying out in agony as Ryder tortures him. I feel myself fading as I struggled to respirate.

"Go to her I'll take care of him." I hear and in comes Ryder. I look him up and down seeing his bloody hands. His face covered with anger but the second I looked up at him I see his eyes. Something clicked they turned from dark to soft and he kneeled down. I feel bile rise up my throat so I rushed to the toilet and lifted the seat up. All the contents of my stomach leaving and I dry-heaved making sure everything single ounce of alcohol left my system. Ryder holds my hair and rubs my back. After one last gag I stop and put the toilet seat and lid down, flushing it in the process. Leaning against the wall I looked at Ryder, worry masking his features. I think about what happened a few moments ago and I couldn't help but start sobbing. He sat down with me and took me in his arms. "Its okay, I'm here." he assures whilst kissing my head. I nod and slowly calm myself down, he gets up and helps me stand. Ryder takes my hand and guides me back into the room.

"I'm going to put your clothes on. Is that okay?" He asks, his voice so gentle and sweet. I nod slowly and breathe. "Yes." My voice was small, shaky and I just wanted to go home. Ryder lifts my arms up and takes my dress. He slips in down my body and through my arms. He helps me put my shoes on and then my cardigan before tying my hair.

"We'll go to mine okay, I'll drop you back tomorrow." I nod again and place my head in his chest and we walk out of the room and downstairs.

James ran up to us and held my arm making me wince. "Ayla, where have you been? Are you okay?" He asks. Ryder releases me and grabs James by the collar. "Why take her to a fucking party and leave her. Get out of my fucking sight before I-" I pinch Ryder's sleeve making him look at me. "Leave him, its not his fault." He lets out a grunt and removes his hands from James. "James, I'll speak to you soon." I say on the verge of tears. I take Ryder's hand and he ushers us out to his car. We got in and he began driving. I was glad, glad that he came tonight. Neither of us spoke and we didn't need to. I was so comfortable knowing he was with me, I was content. We stop at his house and park up before going in.

We're in his room when he takes off his clothes and I look away feeling like I was invading his privacy. "Sorry, I'll change somewhere else." He says. I shake my head, "It's not you, don't worry it's fine." I say.

"Okay, give me a second." He walks into another room which was connected to this one, I gathered from all the times I had been here that it was a walk in closet. Coming back out, he holds a black top and passes it to me.

"Here, wear this. I'll go get you some water and something to eat. Do you want to come with or are you okay to be alone?" I almost tear up at how caring he is. "No it's okay, thankyou." Ryder leaves the room and I change into the top. Looking in the mirror I begin to cry looking at my red skin. I needed to shower, I needed to get his touch off of me. I walk into his shower and turn the water on, it was scalding, but I needed it, I needed my body raw and bare to feel satisfied that I'm rid of whoever did this to me. Once I'm done I clean my face, no more tears, no more thoughts about this.

I walk back into the room to find Ryder on the bed, a bowl of noodles on the bedside table along with two water bottles and medicine. I sat beside him and he lifted the fork up to my mouth helping me eat, helping me drink and I finished my meal with the two pills as dessert. We didn't speak but Ryder put on my comfort show and I fell asleep in his arms watching Mitch and Cam fight over who caused the fire. 


hiiii, hope you all enjoyed! pls let me know what you guys think?

as always pls vote if you liked.

stay safe, eat and drink lots of water.

lots of love,


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