Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! WARNING: This story will have cliché moments, but I think those story's are CUTE. But anyways, I hope you like it! Please comment and tell me what you think!!

I highly suggest checking out the Rewritten version of this story on my profile if you haven't already! It's written far better, more intense and realistic, but just as cute, low key cliche, and romancy! 

EDITED/Updated - Hey guys, this is edited so if they are still any errors please feel free to point them out so I can fix them :D


Chapter 1

       I didn't know what to do. Normally I would spin on my heel and run in the opposite direction, but my phone was in my locker and I needed to call Tate.


       Just breathe.

       They were only human beings. They weren't going to tear my head off and drink my blood, or something weird like that. The worst they could do was stare at me like I was trash or call me a few names. That I could hopefully handle.

       I clutched my binder tighter against my chest, my courage slowly waning. There were four of them, all standing around lazily and talking about who knows what. I took a few steps towards my locker. I mean they didn't look too bad.

       But that wasn't saying much.

       They were the Big Four. They weren't necessarily the popular kids, but they did rule the school in their own dangerous and rather intimidating way. They were what everyone would call bad, and their leader was the most beautiful boy I had ever seen.

       Rex Turner.

       His name alone sent shivers down people's spine, and they weren't good ones. Rex was bad. Everyone knew it, but no one dared to approach him about it. He wasn't your typical 'bad grades and bad manners' bad, he was bad as in 'I just got out of juvey for public vandalism and they're most likely holding a spot for me in prison for future illegal crimes' bad.

       At least he hasn't been to juvey in almost a year.

       I spent way too much of my time thinking about him, more than I would admit. But ever since I came back I've been drawn to him. To the way he acted, the way he walked, to his attitude. He was one giant walking bipolar criminal, and that drew my attention like a magnet. Maybe it was because his presence reminded me too much of the past, or maybe I just really liked looking at him.

       I squished my binder tighter to my chest and gulped down the tight fear squeezing my throat as I approached them. It was bad enough having a crush on a regular bad boy, but to have a crush on Rex?

       It was suicide.

       I stopped my walk of death as I reached the back of a very muscular body. A body that was twice the size of mine. I gulped. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

       Against my better judgment, I tapped on the shoulder directly in front of me, the one that was two times larger than my fist. I saw my life flash before my eyes as that mountain of a body stiffened and slowly turned around.

       "What do you want, Princess?" The mountain asked as he revealed the one and only face of Trey Maguire, Rex's best friend. If you could even call him that.


       What did he just call me?

       "U-uh, what?" My words came out as a jumbled mess, and it was becoming physically harder trying to force my legs to keep from running away. Trey raised one perfectly shaped dark eyebrow at me before a smirk, that I will admit was pretty attractive, crossed his handsome face.

His Flower ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें