Chapter 4

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Thank you so much fonteee for the awesome cover!

Please comment and tell me what you think! Sorry for any mistakes!

This chapter has been updated/edited. So let me know if you still see any editing and grammar mistakes!


Chapter 4

       "You wouldn't happen to know who Trey Maguire is, would you?" I asked Luce the next day as she drove me to school, her dark hair tied in a sloppy bun on top of her head and her bright blue eyes sat hidden behind her dark sunglasses.

       "Never heard of him." She mumbled over a tired yawn before leaning back sleepily in her seat. "Why?" Luce always had this authoritative tone to her voice that no one ever went against... if they wanted to stay on her good side.

       "He's my friend, I-I guess, and he walked home with me yesterday."

       "Okay, and the point is?"

       I let out a sigh as she pulled into the school's parking lot and raised an eyebrow at me. "Well, Tate wasn't really happy that I was with him and they knew each other. I was just wondering if he said anything about Trey to you..." I didn't bother mentioning the whole Rex thingy. That would just be more stress added onto my sister's life- more than she needed.

       Her eyes softened and she gave me a smile before unlocking the car. "No Rosie, he didn't say anything to me. I'm sure he was just in one of his moods. Don't worry about it." I frowned, but nodded and reached over to give her a quick kiss on the cheek.

       "Are you picking me up after school, or do you want me to walk?" I asked as I opened the car door and stepped out into the chilly fall air.

       "I have classes till late tonight, so if you don't want to walk I'll have Tate pick you up."

       "Okay, thanks Lulu! Love you!" I shouted over my shoulder before I closed the car door and headed into school. The rest of the morning was pretty uneventful. I kept a lookout in the hallway for Jason and the Big Four, but I didn't see any sign of them the entire first half of the day. I was just so confused by the whole situation. Tate didn't elaborate on the whole 'family' thing, and I was terrified of even daring to ask Rex.

       I wasn't expecting him to talk to me in third period, and he didn't- but he also didn't complain when I sat next to him either. I watched him shift uncomfortably in his seat a few times throughout class, and when the bell rang he was gone faster than yesterday. I knew he still didn't really like me- I wasn't that dumb, but I still couldn't hide the excitement building in me at seeing the others at lunch. They just made my day so much more interesting.

       "Hey Princess." Trey's happy voice sang as I stepped into the lunch line. I glanced over my shoulder to see the giant mountain-like man walk up behind me. A few students standing in front of me glanced over at us, but besides a few raised eyebrows no one said anything.

       "Hey." I gave him a shy smile, but he only laughed and draped his heavy arm across my shoulders. My face heated like a tomato when his thick finger reached up and tapped the tip of my nose.

       "You're too cute, I swear."

       My blush only grew as he shook his head and glanced down at me with those bright green eyes. "You sitting with us today?" He quirked his eyebrow and watched as I dropped my gaze to my shoes and bit my lip nervously. Even though Rex had apologized to me the other day- with the whole 'coming to my house for no apparent reason' thingy- I wasn't stupid enough to believe he wanted me hanging around him and the others. I didn't want to risk another explosion.

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