|Chapter 7|

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"Half a king"

The insides of the castle does not dissapoint its exterior. It matches the elegant standing on the outside yet displayed the fragileness of snow more elaborately on the inside. Seemingly, as if layers and layers of snowflakes holds itself between glass-like floors and walls, it flowed through every room.

"Pure winter frost," The god informs "Courtesy of yours trully"

Indeed, it is a crime not to boast of its beauty. Perhaps even Olympus fades from it. The detailing and hard work the god has put deserve a recognition from the eyes.

The staircase leading up to a looming balcony, the detailed trimming on the walls, and the intricate sculptures of jewelrys, animals, and quite a few of monster heads placed in the room for the grandment as a finishing touch.

Percy's gaze then travelled to the high ceiling of the castle. Made in the shape of arches and decored with ice sculptures of countless beautiful men and women on its every end.

"Thats also you?" Percy commented on the sculptures.

"My children's past time." He sighed "I have told them to stop but the one you see here are mostly rogue demigods who seek their end"

"A  failed quest for an ending" He replied "How unassuming of me," the mocking in his tone was as clear as day. Putting a blame on the gods side for their death was a very rude thing to do.

"How deviant are you to propose such things!" The god bellowed harshly "It is as a risk they are willing to take! They accept it because they know the burdens on their shoulders and the reward they will be given ! My children only do what is their given trial to achive it!"

"I respect your opinion on the matter" Percy smiled "However, your children's opinion would differs"

Points of view in such problem could be troublesome to point out its wrongs and rights. However, a lesson he learned all these years was every opinion differs and should be treated equally. Unless, you want to have a knife stabbing your back and your inevitable end arriving much quicker than it should be.

"I will look away from this matter only  once because of your responses, Percy. This world is not fair, i understand. However the chances in life that we took all have risk and consequences." The god told him.

Percy hummed an agreement and walks to the center staircase of the castle. Up the most beatiful floating stairway he had ever walk on, he felt the gliding coldness on his hand travelling to the insides of his skin.

"Also, go right to the chamber of rullers, after you're done. There we shall meet." The god says as Percy arrived at the throne room. "Take caution with my daughter first, boy."

"I will not fall for her tricks, i assure you, old god."

"Thats what they all said before my children turned their corpses into ice suclptures." He sighed "Keep my warning to heart."


The gigantic doors open revaling a center path of soft thin white snow stretching fat to the three majestic raised seats on the end. On the two sides of walls confining the vast place, paintings of old ceremonical traditions of the land were placed. The familly tree and the stated familly names of each and everyone of the kingdoms people stood on a large painting piece that were flowed with magic. Pulsing and fading, as if its breath were the ones the names took for living.

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