|Chapter 8|

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"A deadly slip of black ice"

Walking to the conspicious large hallways of the castle was a thrilling thing to do.

As if its a maze that needs to be solved, each path took him to a new wonder. Look foward, you'll see the floors of ice as far as the eye can see. Look down, you'll see the hazy reflection of your feet and through the floors below. Look up, floating islands of snow and ice planted with white trees as a shade to the courtyard againts the scarce sunlight was breathtaking. All around, sceneries that makes the heart stood still catches the eye. It is beautiful. A fragile beauty left for his scarred hands.

Percy has outgrown his clothes when he went through this journey. Now, adorned with light blue hair that falls on his shoulders, white hard skin as if it reflects the glaciers of ice on the sea blocking itself againts the rough waves that sets to shore, his shoulders widen as much as half it used to,v his height passed the 6.5 mark, and the coarse palms of his hands scarred by years of holding a blade, his past image of what Percy Jackson should be was long thrown on the road.

His eyes no longger hold the childish look behind it. Gullibleness of a fair world was frozen in his heart. Never thawded even by the brightest of flame. He trusted them once to make the world theirs to change. Now, he need to take matters into his own hands.

Opening a set of another gigantic door with a different detail carvings as big as the throne room's, he once again was amazed by the things piled in it.

A world map with floating names of the rullers propped on the glass-like walls, the layouts of the castle's grounds laying untouch on the big ice table, a fireplace with blue fire that sends chills to the shoulders as the tempeture drop, and -for once something not freezing in the ice kingdom- a monster bear skin rugg that spreads widely to the edges of the room. Thick books perhaps dated since ancient times were placed in a stained ice cabinet to his right. Some of them were pilled up on the floors because of the lack of storage.

A voice shout out. Dissaprovingly, the voice's tone went down a note or two. It was old and gruff but still has a young headstrong attitude the wise man lacks.

"Of course he doesn't, idiot. If the Olympians knew we took the Percy Jackson, we'll die before the snow melts!" Another voice, younger and wiser shouts back. It contemplates for a moment before throwing an advice,
"We need to make a few adjustments on his looks to disguse him for it further and we also can't call him the same name over and over again. They'll know for sure if we do that. Oh- and also the voice! He can't have the same voice anymore being our new king."

Humms of agreement flowed around the room. It travelled widely through out the glass-walls. There is nobody seen in the room itself, however. Percy could hear a distinction between them and guessed there were five voices speaking.

Someone let out a cough, old and feeble with a trace of fear, he whispered "H-h-how could we c-chage it if we o-ourselves don't e-even know what h-he sounds like,"


However someone else seems not to dissagree and replied,
"I.. have not heard of it to be underdeveloped. My sources tells me that the thin vocal chords of a human resembles the width of a baby slugvard. So tiny you couldn't even slice it in half without damaging the entire neck. Perhaps if i was granted acces to mortal disection experiments, i could figure it out for all of our curiousity, yes?"


The voices continue to fight with eachother on their arguments. Him, being the main subject, only kept his eyes wondering on the walls. He heard their ramblings with judging his size, voice, and looks. Last but not least, his power were also being measured by comparison. But still, he couldn't find the source behind it.

Is it the tilting ceiling? Is it the confined walls of the room? Where is their hiding place? Where could he see their bodies and promptly crush their neck for their insolent behaviour? He dislikes their intruding comments much more than the actual judgement.

Footsteps coming behind him, Percy turned his head to the entrance as the gate door's open slightly fitting a small size in.

"Sire-sire!" The chubby gluttonius 'advisor' scurried and block his path, completely silencing the other voices behind him. He gasped out of breath and bowed deeply to express his apologies.

"Thou must take a look at the amendements of your rule, before taking a step inside the ruler's chamber. Apologies, my King, for not foretelling this matter immediatly.." he spoke in one breath, "It's just- Your Highness walks too fast for this one to catch up." He repeated his bows.

Percy felt the slightest tingle of ice creeping at the words amendements. He could feel the small tension being made.

"Your Highness, please. If you don't see the amendements soon, you will-"

"Be judge of disrespecting the old custom and only regarding the new?" Percy replied. "Being judged by the advocates elders from the history of the Kingdom's creation. Five beings, each representing the main tribes that agreed on serving the kingdom. I read it on the throne room walls."

"Woah. Okay. Didn't expect he knew 'bout us already." The childish voice said amazed.

Percy gave a courtasized smile to the advisor and continued ignoring the voices.

"T-then," the advisor wiped the sweat from his brows and asked, "Your Highness knows what must be done?"

Five tribes. Five trials. This is the first of many. To seek what is hidden. To excell the power. To atone foolish knowledge. To grasp your weakness. And finally, to be silence.

This five decree was carved largely above the thrones in the throne room. It only takes one to look up in order to read the words. However,since the colours and shapes of ice are so simillar, if one didn't focus hard on it, they couldn't discern the letters itself into a sentence.

The five of them is a law that allowed others to take the throne forcefully. Meaning, not the throne that is constricted by the hierachy of the elders, but the one you make on top of five bloodied crown you've taken after finishing each tasks.

Simply, if you think you're good enough to get it, prove it.

However, there is no record about the dificullty of the tasks nor his opponents.

"I'll know." Percy answered after a moment of silence. Lowering his tone for the message to sink.

"Y-you'll know?" The advisor trembles. Not missing the future implementation of the words,

"You'll know?! When?! When will you know how the first elder and their disciples uses their power to hide this land from the gods?! O-or when the third elder read all of the history of kingdoms in order to make the profound settings ours sits on now?! Or..when... the fifth.. elder...,How Your Majesty?" the advisor exhaust himself with his rablings of fear for his new king.

Percy smilled. A loop sided grin he never wore in a long-long time.

Back in his younger years when he had just finished a quest, the young demigods would gather around him, wait for him to sit down, and asks:

"Whats your secret? How can i be a hero just like you, brother Percy? Me! Me! teach me how to do it like you did! How could we know when to escape or when to attack? What's your strategy for this part?"

The crowd expects the hero to know it all. Their expectations reach the highest peek of acknowledgements. To know every nook and cranny in every path they took, to know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it right.

Truthfully, Percy only has one answer for it.

"Because I'm me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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