Chapter 10

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A/N:   This chapter is dedicated to @helen96

-Elizabeth's POV-

“So that is the story of meeting Klaus and getting turned.” I pronounced, looking at my brothers.

Damon still stood, and Stefan sat on the couch. They both had the same shocked look on their face, as they tried to wrap their heads around their sister and the big bad hybrid being together. Stefan got it together first.

“But, we started looking for you – or at least I did – soon after I turned. Where were you?” I smiled at him.

“After Klaus turned me, he got a hint that Katherine had left the US, so we went on a little bit of a... honeymoon... to Paris. We didn't know exactly where she was, but we had a lot of fun in Paris, so we just stayed there a while. Until, of course, Mikael came... you guys do know about Mikael, correct?”

“Yeah, he's dead.” Damon said offhandedly, still wrapping his head around all I had told him.

“WHAT!?” I yelled, jumping of the couch. “Mikael is dead!?” They both winced and looked at each other then at me.

“Yes, that is a long story. You have missed a lot while you have been away, sister. Let us tell you about all the happenings in little old Mystic Falls since we've returned.”

-Time Gap-

I sat, stunned into silence. I didn't know what shocked me most, that Stefan was coming off a ripper binge with Klaus, that he had known Klaus in the 20's – I must have just missed their time together after the incident (not going there...), his breaking the curse, or the fact that all the Mikaelson's were undaggered, including Ester. There was so much to ponder.

“ have sure been busy.” I whispered, thinking it all over.

“I have a question.” Stefan said, looking at me.

“Yes?” I said, though I was pretty sure I knew what he was going to ask. My thoughts were confirmed when he said,

“Why weren't you with Klaus when I met him in Chicago in the 20's? Why aren't you with him now?” he asked.

“I really, really don't want to discuss that...” I whispered, tears filling my eyes as I tried not to think back on that.

“Would you like me to explain, love?” came an all to familiar British accent from behind me. I cringed, then slowly turned and saw the blue eyes that I had looked into so many times before.

“Klaus...” I whispered, my throat going dry.

A/N: I know, I know, it is very short... But it is something. As always, please leave your comments and feedback.

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