Chapter 42

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A/N: Dedicated to @Emilythe_dinosaur for exploding my notifications with her votes – welcome to the group, love. Also @KatherinePeirce85 – welcome to you as well! And to the rest of my new followers and readers – I am happy to meet all you, and am immensely appreciative.


-Elizabeth's POV-

No one would meet my eyes, so I could tell that trouble was brewing. Klaus walked in with a new shirt. I started to stand, but Elijah pulled my back down. I glared at him.

“Really, Eli?” I grumbled. He shot me an apologetic look, but kept his hand on my arm.

“It's okay, Elijah. You can let her go.” Klaus said. Elijah nodded, and released me. I stood up and waked to the center of the room.

“Alright. Tell me. WHAT. IS. GOING. ON?” I growled, enunciating each word. Klaus sighed.

“Lizzie, there is a reason I told you not to kill the Hunter.” he said.

“Yeah, because you wanted to find the cure.” I said, looking at him. I still didn't understand why. He would never take it, and he must know about Silas – unless... he didn't... I would worry about that later.

“Well, that is one reason. But there is another, more important reason. There is a Hunter's Curse.” he said.

“What?” I gasped. I looked at everyone and they all looked at me with pity-filled eyes.

“What is it?” I managed to ask.

“In simple terms, you will soon be seeing things that aren't really there. The first manifestation will probably be Conner himself, but soon he will turn into other people – either people you love, or people you hate. No matter who the person is, they will in some way try to convince you to kill yourself.” he said. I gasped, and a few tears came to my eyes.

“When?” I asked after a while.

“Most likely soon.” Elijah was the one who answered, standing and walking over to me, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. I turned to him, and embraced him. Kol was scowling at the floor in the background, and Bekah looked worried.

Suddenly, there was a huge crash. I jumped and turned to see glass shattered on the floor. I saw the glass table had been smashed, and that small cuts where healing on Klaus' hands. I looked at him in shock.

“GOD DAMN IT ELIZABETH!! WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE?! WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LET ME PROTECT YOU!?” Klaus bellowed, face red with anger. His eyes flashed yellow as his inner wolf came out. I flinched back into Elijah's arms, shocked that he was yelling at me, and also a tiny bit afraid.

“Enough, Niklaus. She is already frightened as it, and you are just adding to that. Now is not the time for this discussion. We need to figure out how to fix this, and to keep her from harming herself.” I flinched at the last part, and Elijah rubbed my shoulders soothingly. Klaus just glared at him, then me. His eyes returned to their normal blue, but he still kept the glare in them.

“I'm going to shower.” I mumbled, stepping away from Elijah, and wrapping my arms around myself.

Bekah stood up. “I'll come with you.”

“No. I just – I need to be alone for a moment.” I whispered. Kol shook his head.

“Sorry, darling. But one of us needs to be with you, to make sure you don't – you know...” he trailed off. I sighed, then nodded.

“Okay, Bex. But you're staying outside the door. We might be close, but not that close.” I said, trying to make a joke. Bekah and Kol laughed half-heartedly, while Elijah managed a small smirk. Klaus remained emotionless. With one last glare, he ran out of the room. I heard a door slam down the hallway. I flinched at the cold sound. I don't think I had ever seen him this angry with me.

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