Chapter 1: Operation: Dead Dog

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A/n: Sorry for sensitive title. There will be sensitive content.

(??? POV):

I looked over the new additions to Team Rainbow. None of them posed any serious threat to my operation. Then I came across the last one.

'Operator 000: Heaven's Reaper'

A small smile formed on my lips. That name brought back old memories. However, they quickly went away, when I began to cough madly. Finally, I stopped after inhaling medicine. I growled at my disability now. It was from (Y/n).

"Let's play a game, (Y/n). How many will fall before you break?"

Timeskip brought to you by Twitch drone not jumping...

Operation: Dead Dog

Objective: Eliminate all hostiles. Rescue the prime minister and his family.


-3 story mansion

-over 100 hostiles

-family and prime minister separated

-no collateral damage

-Team Leader: Ash

-Team: Bandit, IQ, Montagne, Ying, Frost

Back-up: Doc, Heaven's Reaper

Mission status: active

(Ash POV):

Anxiety filled my body. This was the first time I was leading a team. I figured Six would go with someone older and more experienced. However, she said she believed in me. I guess I can't let her or my team down. Suddenly, I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder. I looked to see Gilles (Montagne).

Montagne:"Do not worry. You will be good leader."

He states in a heavy French accent.

"Do you have any tips?"

Montagne:"Perhaps getting the team to open up to each other will improve chemistry."

I nodded at the suggestion. It would be like me and the other FBI-SWAT operators. I turned to face my team.

"Hey, everyone. I would like for us to get to know each other. To improve team morale."

The other operators glanced at each other.

"I guess I'll start first. Eliza. FBI. I am a transfer from Israel."

Frost:"Tina. JTF2. I'm a skilled trapper."

Ying:"Siu. SDU. Trained in Israel as well."

IQ:"Monika. GSG9. Attended an Ivy league university."

Montagne:"Gilles. GIGN. Still alive and kicking."

Doc:"Gustave. GIGN. My skills are better on the field."

Then we all turned to Bandit.

Bandit:"Dominic. GSG9. I used to deal drugs."

I raised an eyebrow. That was an interesting way to introduce oneself. Finally, in a far corner, sat Reaper all alone. No one could tell what his expression was, due to his helmet.

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