Chapter 16: Serum

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A/n: Oh snap! What is IQ going to do?!?!?!! Here's the next chapter!

Sorry for the long wait!

(Y/n) POV:

Things were too quiet. The meet up time was approaching soon, yet I didn't see any scouts. This was unusual for the White Masks. Those terrorists would usually send a grunt or two to scout the area. However, it was dead silent.

This prompted a frustrated sigh from me. I leaned myself against the wall beside the window and looked down at the ground. IQ's condition was still bothering me. Even though I completely trust Doc, I couldn't help, but feel guilty.

'If I had been out there, the RPG wouldn't have been a problem.' I silently blamed myself. I then heard footsteps approach from behind me and turned to look. It was Ash, and she had a concerned expression.

"You alright?" The redhead questioned and placed her hand on my forearm. With my other hand, I gently placed it on top of hers.

"Not really." I muttered solemnly. Ash smiled weakly at me and sighed.

"It's not your fault, you know?" My girlfriend assured. I shook my head no. This definitely was my fault.

"I should have taken Monika's place. The armor she gave me is perfect for that kind of situation." I tired to reason, but only earned a frown from the shorter lady. Ash then lightly slapped me with her other hand.

"Stop saying this nonsense. What's done is done. Monika's okay, so that's all that matters, right?" Ash continued to comfort me. I nodded in agreement, and Ash nodded in satisfaction.

"Good, now focus on your mission. The White Masks should be here in two minutes." Ash reminded and jogged away to her position. I stretched my shoulders a little and repositioned my rifle. There was no point on worrying anymore. I'll check on IQ after the mission. For now, I've got some terrorists to take down.

As the meet up time arrived on the second, I saw some movement in the distance. My visor began zooming in on the movement. A live feed displayed in front of me. I made out about twenty armored trucks. My survival senses were telling me that something was wrong. You don't need twenty armored trucks to pick up some money.

"This is Hibana, keep your guard up. I think something's wrong." Hibana's voice sounded on the radio. I remained silent, as my eyes continued to follow the lead truck. It approached the building and then stopped at a high position. Then the rest of the trucks drove around to other places and parked.

The trucks had the building surrounded. The White Masks finally exited their vehicles, and my visor counted 280 men. There wasn't going to be a deal.

'It's a trap!' I thought, as I saw one terrorist pull out a RPG. My arms lifted up my sniper rifle, and my finger pulled on the trigger. The sound of a gunshot filled the air, and I saw a spray of red erupt from the White Mask's body. However, the terrorist managed to pull the trigger, and sent the RPG flying towards me.

"Contact!!!" I heard Vigil yell, and I dropped to the ground. The wall that I once leaned on, exploded. Rubble and dust was sent everywhere, but I crawled to safety.

Gunfire and explosions began to go off everywhere. I slung my sniper rifle over my shoulder and grabbed my AR. Without a moment to waste, I began heading to front entrance. That was the most vulnerable place, and I think that's why they placed the bulk of their forces there.

Along the way, I saw frag grenades break through the windows and land inside the building. I jumped out of the way before they exploded. My armor would protect me from the shrapnel, but I couldn't risk taking unnecessary damage.

One Bullet : A Rainbow Six Siege Story ( Male Reader )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz