Chapter 19: The Talk

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A nightmare. A terrible nightmare where I dreamt that girls were being date-raped at school. That Jax held me as I cried because I thought I had possibly been date-raped by Tyler Porter. That would be absurd...

My eyes flicker open to my bedroom. It's dark out but my light is on. The window is open allowing fresh air from the lake to absorb into my cool sheets.

It was definitely a nightmare. I'm in my room. None of it happened.

I rub my eyes, removing the crud from the corners that only occurs after you cry and then sleep.

But I was crying...

"Gabby? Do you want me to get your dad?"

I sit up quickly to see Courtney sitting in the corner of my room reading a book. I stare at her, unable to bring words to my lips. If she's here...

It wasn't a dream. Tyler Porter might have raped me...

I feel like I can't breathe, like my lungs have given up on me. Tears form in my eyes again as I search my room for Jax. He isn't here... but a UNI 2014 Wrestling Team sweatshirt is lying beside me. I clutch it in my hands, using it to cover my face, masking my sobs.

"Gabby you need to breathe, I know it's terrible and that gut feeling never goes away, but breathing helps with the crying - I promise." Courtney pleads for me to find my air, but I can't. "I'll get your dad." She tosses her book down and runs from my room.

My dad. My dad knows?!

Within a matter of moments his tall stature appears in my doorway. His eyes are wide and stained red. He looks like he has been crying too. He looks terrible, as if he has aged ten years in single day. He doesn't say anything. I don't even know what to say to him.

He walks slowly to my bed and sits beside me, staring at the floor.

"Do you want me to be your dad first or a police officer first?"

Sobs escape me as I cover my face again with the gray sweatshirt, my shoulders shaking. His arm wraps around me and pulls me into him as I cry.

"Dad first Gabs..." he cries with me and gives me a reassuring squeeze.

I don't want either one right now. I didn't want him to know. My dad will never look at me the same again.

"Where is Jax? What did he tell you?" I pull away from my dad and take one deep breath, sniffling as I do.

He didn't stay. Jax promised he would stay with me and I told him I didn't want to tell my dad.

He sighs, not wanting to talk about Jackson Porter. "He's sitting in the town jail cell..."

"What?!" I pull the tear-soaked sweatshirt down from my face and stare at my dad.

My mind begins swarming with thoughts of Jax harming Tyler, breaking Tyler. I remember nothing from the lake, I'm not certain I was raped. But I hated him, I know I never would have consented.

Oh God... what did he do to him?

"He's angry. He has not actually been arrested. He told me to put him there Gabs. I agree with him, it's for the best until you tell me what happened and I figure out if I have enough to arrest someone..."

"So he didn't hurt Tyler..." I close my eyes and exhale.

I find myself finally taking multiple deep breaths. But the man beside me, he has stopped breathing and he's quiet.

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