Chapter 61: The Last Plan

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All night I lie awake with thoughts of Courtney and Jax.  That shouldn't be what's keeping me awake.  I should be excited for today, tonight is my rehearsal dinner.  Tomorrow I marry Kane.  He should be all I'm thinking about.  The only thing that brings him to my mind during the night is that he's like me, and Felix, and Morgan... he's on Courtney's list too.  It says he slept with Becky Murphy and now she's in my head.

There was no doubt that progress had been made in deciphering the stickered photos, but I felt as though we had hit another dead end.  I thought maybe when I saw that Tyler and I shared a sticker that this was about my assault or the assaults on prom night, but that didn't seem to be the case.  Morgan had willingly slept with Felix (which by the way, gross). Then Sydney had pointed out that two of the people on the list that were connected were now married and living in town.  They got married after Courtney's murder.  Nothing about it made sense.  I kept thinking maybe she was just tracking who had slept together but then I kept returning to Sydney's thought of... why did she have these books in the first place?  Who cares if people you never knew slept together?  And why was it only football players?

Nothing made sense. 

My door slowly creeks open and I can't even bring myself to look at Kane.  I know it's him.  God I love him but... Jax.  He's home and my mind is going a million different directions that all lead back to him.  He made pancakes with Zooey yesterday. He made her giggle. They talked about books they both loved. He held her as she slept and gave her kisses. Everything I ever wanted was right there in front of me.

The bed dips as Kane crawls in beside me and wraps his arms around me. I snuggle in close, breathing in his comforting and familiar scent. He places a quick kiss on my neck.

"I love you, Gabby Brooks. One more day."

This makes me smile and feel a little better. I love Kane, I really do. It's just that if Jax would have never left, I'm not sure Kane would even be in my life. I turn to face him and see his sleepy grin. "Kane, can I ask you about something?" I rub my thumb over his strong cheek bone.

"Sure." His face looks worried. Probably because I'm worried and not hiding it. I'm not quite sure how to ask him this, I mean, every couple has this discussion. We just never did.

"How many girls have you... been with?"

His eyes open much wider, this woke him up. He gives an awkward chuckle and rolls his eyes. "You want to discuss this... now?"

I shrug and continue rubbing his cheek. "You know who I've been with. Tyler, Jax and you. Tyler was... Tyler. And it's not like Jax is alive for you to worry about..." I lie; I'm not ready to tell him about Jax being home.

"I'm older than you, Gabs... and I've dated more people than you..."

"I know. I guess I'm just wondering. Who was your first? How old were you? It just bothers me that there is no hiding my sex life from you. Tyler is public knowledge and it's not like I can claim I never had sex with Jax..."

He sighs and lies his head black on his pillow. "My first was Becky Murphy. Sophomore year. I've slept with, I don't know... ten girls maybe a few more. I wasn't keeping count of them."

So the book matches up. They have slept together. How the hell did Courtney know that and I didn't? At least he was honest with me, which makes me feel a lot better.

"She's married now, you have nothing to worry about. I don't even think she lives in town."

I chuckle and roll my arm over his chest. "I'm not worried, handsome. I'm just being nosy."

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