CHAPTER 5: Disguise.

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I'm enjoying myself, looking at the Summer Collection of the boutique I am in. There were yellow dresses in one rack, majority of the designs are floral to match the season. I get one and make my way to the cashier to pay for it.

I am patiently waiting for my turn when suddenly, I heard a gunshot. Everyone here screamed in horror, except for me.

"All of you, on the floor!" the mad man commanded us.

So I followed when everybody ducked down on the floor –the atmosphere filled with fear. I looked around, still on the floor, and saw that most of the people around are not like me.

No shifting...

I turned my gaze on the man who fired the gunshot and saw him grabbing a female employee by her neck... the gun aimed at her head. From his side, I slowly crawl on the floor looking for the right angle. When I am now facing his back, I reached for my bag and get the handgun I always have. I directed my gun on his leg and shot it! His hostage victim was now off the hook as he stumbled on the floor, in a kneeling position, while in pain due to the incessant gushing of the blood from his wound. I look around the store to see if there's any other casualty –only to hear the loud gasped coming from the people.

Next thing I knew, my left arm is bleeding but still manage to shot the head of the man in front of me. He fell on the floor –lifeless. And I can feel my eyes drowning in the darkness.

I open my eyes and found myself in an unfamiliar room, but not totally –the scent of pine trees told me so.

I smiled.

The door opened and a woman in her early 50's entered. She's still a beauty especially now that she's smiling widely at me.

"Hello there, dear. I'm Linnabeth Meyer, the owner of the boutique," she offered her hand which I accepted.

"Lauren Montfort, Ma'am," I told her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked me, concerned.

"I'm okay now Mrs. Meyer. It's really nothing," I assured her and she nodded.

"That's good to hear. You don't know how frightened I was when you were shot! But it's a relief when I found out that you're like us. So I decided to brought you here, it's the pack house. I didn't even need to call the pack doctor because you healed fast!" she said, astonished. "By the way, thank you very much. You know we cannot expose our kind to the public, that's why I did nothing back there. But thank God, you were there to save the day! Thank you, really, Lauren," she said while holding my hand.

"You're welcome Ma'am," I replied.

"Don't call me Ma'am, okay? Just call me Aunt Linnabeth," I nodded. "By the way Lauren, may I ask where you from? What pack do you belong?" she asked me, earlier than what I expected.

For effect, I looked down and shook my head.

"You mean... you're a rogue?" she asked me, weary.

"I am now, Aunt Linnabeth. I'm travelling town after town trying to live with humans, b-but it just so h-hard..." I said, teary-eyed.

"The s-scar on your face... was it done by them?" I didn't say anything, I just looked down. "What do you plan now?" she asked me, sympathy evident on her face.

"Perhaps, go to the next town. Try my luck there," shrugging as I said it. Mrs. Meyer shook her head in disagreement.

"No, Lauren. You can stay here... you can stay with us. I am sure my son won't mind. You can be part of us and have Moonshine pack as your new one," she said, encouraging me to say yes.

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