Chorus (Two)

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I wiped my eyes on the back of my hand to get any of the crying residue off of my face so that I didn't look like a bumbling mess in front of Sebastian Jennings, but I feared that it might already be past the point of no return. 

"You fucking bitch, I swear to god I'm going to kill you for this!" I heard Dylan's rumbling voice, but when I collected my bearings and looked to my right where I had evaded his assault attempts, I saw him writhing on the floor in pain. 

There was no reason to be scared of him at the moment.  

Except I was scared.  Scared of what he had done to me in the past and scared of what kind of promise that his threat held for the future. 

I shivered. 

I noticed that I was on top of a very hard body that hadn't said a single word since the incident, and while it had only been a few seconds it still felt like a lifetime. 

I finally gathered up enough courage to sneak a peak at the man underneath me and his eyebrows were quirked up in a questioning manner, an amused smirk plastered on his face. 

Really?  Amused smirk?  Did he honestly think what I just went through was funny?!

"I'm sorry I ran into you," I said to him as I clambered off of his taut and toned body, noticing that I was disappointed to have to climb off of him.  

Where did that thought come from?!

"Its okay, I can see now why you were in such a rush..." he said trailing off, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine, but for the right reason. 

"Yeah, well as you can tell I'm not exactly wanting to stick around and see what he'll do when he recovers, so-" I cut myself off, motioning for him to follow me out of the main hallway and down into another corridor. 

He followed me and once we were a safe distance away from Dylan, I felt myself being able to breathe again. 

"Wait, you're shaking.  Are you okay?" he asked me, and I nodded my head absentmindedly, chewing on my thumbnail and staring at nothing in particular.  Mainly the ground.  My shoes were very interesting to me. 

And then a droplet of water fell on my shoe.  Then another.  And another. 

I felt a strong pair of arms encircle my waist as tingly hands trailed circles on my back in a comforting manner. 

I was literally crying on Sebastian Jennings' shoulder.  Was this real life?

I would have much rather been just hugging him instead of involuntarily crying on him over something traumatic that I wish would have never happened to me, but you can't always get what you want...

"I thought he just slapped your butt or something as you walked by and you kicked him in the balls or something.  Obviously it was something worse.  What did he do?" he asked me and while I didn't want to tell him everything that happened, I also wanted to tell him a part of the story so that he would understand why I was so upset and wouldn't think that I was over reacting. 

"He's my ex boyfriend.  He's mad that certain things didn't ha-happen in our relationship so he thought he could ta-ake it by force, basically," I said, hoping that he would understand what I meant even with how vague my words were. 

His jaw was set, almost as if it were locked in place, and I could see it twitching as if he were grinding his teeth together in anger. 

I saw a flash of something fill his beautiful green eyes but then in an instant it was gone, and suddenly he was back to his old self again, or at least, the only side of himself that he'd shown me before. 

"People like him don't deserve to live on this earth," he said and I couldn't help but chuckle at him. 

"Probably not."

I sniffled a little bit and swiped my fingertips underneath my eyes to get the remaining tears to stop flowing and I plastered on a fake smile. 

"What are you doing here anyway?  I thought everyone said you had left campus already?" I asked him, wondering what he was doing wandering the halls of some random high school. 

Well, technically it wasn't just some random high school considering the fact that he used to go to school there, but still.  It was a bit strange. 

"I told my security guards to pretend that I had left so that no one would follow me around.  I wanted to stop by the old classes that I used to attend and say hi to some of my favorite old teachers," he said and I then noticed his appearance. 

He was wearing black skinny jeans and converse along with his signature plain white t shirt and a black baseball cap that covered his sexy black hair that was always slicked to the side in a stylish manner. 

The baseball cap made him seem even more appealing, if that was even remotely possible for him to look even more attractive than he already did. 

He was doing strange things to me. 

Before, when I had dated Dylan and still believed him to be a good guy, I never really had the wanting need to kiss him like I did with Sebastian.  I mainly kissed him because it was something that people in relationships did, not because I actually wanted to. 

Being with Dylan never made me feel anything real, and I knew that I never loved him.  Every time he touched me it felt like it was an obligation to put up with it, but with Sebastian I craved it whenever he would touch me, almost as if my body was begging for the next time he would touch me.

A reassuring pat on the back would even be enough to satiate my burning desire for his hands on my body, but I knew that I had never felt that way about someone before, ever. 

"That's nice.  When did you come to school here?" I asked him, knowing it had to be over a year ago since that was how long he'd been famous for, give or take a couple of months. 

He had become a famous internet star overnight after uploading a cover of one of his favorite songs online and he was instantly discovered and signed by one of the most prestigious record labels out there.  

Since then, he put out a debut album and went on a world tour, starred in a blockbuster film and went on a second domestic tour which he just finished the weekend before. 

"I came to school here about three years ago, I didn't graduate from here though, just got my GED when I was sixteen because of all of the music blowing up and everything," he said, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly. 

"So how old does that make you?" I asked him, still not sure how I didn't know how old he was.  Probably should've just googled it. 

"I'm nineteen next month," he said and I wondered how close our birthdays were to each other.

"Really?  My birthday's next month too, I'll be eighteen, what day?"

"The sixteenth," he said and my eyes widened in surprise. 

"Mine too!"

"Wow what are the odds?" he asked me and I let out a half smile. 

"Clearly a coincidence that we just so happened to meet at your concert in your hometown, then you kidnapped me merely by chance, on accident of course, and this second meeting and the fact that our birthdays are on the same day are all a coincidence as well, right?" I asked him, cracking a smile. 


We stared back at each other in a heat filled moment, and as I looked into his piercing green eyes I felt myself being lost in his stare. 

He licked his lips and leaned down towards my face, and I felt his breath fan across my cheeks as I saw him close his eyes, lips desperately close to my own. 

I was about to lean in and close my eyes as well until I heard a piercing scream run through the hallways.


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