Twenty Seven

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"Okay!" I grinned, placing the bag on the table and pulling out food. "I got a smoothie, a salad, some olives and some fruit."

He groaned, rolling his eyes and shutting his laptop and putting it to the side as he practically glared at me. "Woman, when I said I was hungry, I meant really hungry. How the hell is all of that meant to fill me up?"

I rolled my eyes and handed him some grapes when he scowled at me as I giggled. "You eat healthy stuff all the time!" I protested, as he sat upright and scowled even more. "Yeah, when I'm not this hungry! Where's the real food?"

I patted my stomach, smirking. "In here. I had a good chicken pie. Mmh, mmh, mmh!" Vincenzo rolled his eyes again, murmured incoherent words under his breath.

"What was that?" I asked innocently as I raised an eyebrow. "Nothing," he grumbled, "pass me the 'food'." I did as he demanded and he quickly scoffed down his salad and pulled a funny face at the olives, pushing them aside before eating a few grapes and saying, "I'm still hungry."

I folded my arms, "I'm not getting you any more food." He frowned, "why?" He asked, his voice almost whiny. I smirked a little, "you gotta keep those muscles for me," I replied, remembering the day at the aquarium. He pouted, "please?"


"Pretty please?"


"Pretty, pretty please?"

I bursted out laughing at his baby tone, shaking my head, "no, I can't be bothered. You ate like an hour ago anyway!"

"A man has to eat. I can't wait to move around."

I chuckled, leaning over and kissing his cheek, "you'll be able to soon."

Vincenzo had been discharged from the hospital after two more weeks there and was soon resting up at home. His health had improved massively and he was starting to return to his normal self.

As for our relationship, it felt stronger than it was before. We were constantly kissing and cuddling, and couldn't seem to keep our hands off each other. We never talked about the past, we just kept enjoying each other's company and I had felt much more happier than I had for a long time.

"I'll go find you some proper food, shall I?" I told him playfully as I moved towards the door. He grinned, "you shall."

I went downstairs and opened the freezer, rummaging around for something to cook for Vincenzo. The house was fairly quiet. The children were at school, Dante and Valentina had went out for the day and Leonardo was at the office, working. Maria was in the living room, resting.

I was humming an old song as I looked around although all I could find was leftovers in plastic containers. I was bending down a little, attempting to pull out a particular pack of food when Vincenzo unexpectedly came behind me and pressed himself against me causing my eyes to widen.

"Damn, mami," Vincenzo said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Nice leggings."

Well, this is awkward.

"Let go, I'm trying to find you some food," I said, rolling my eyes as I tried to stand straight but couldn't. "Hopefully," he murmured, kissing my neck as I bit my lip, "one day, we'll be in a position like this, naked."

"Shouldn't you be resting?" I asked him quietly, unable to see his face and ignoring his comment. "Only with you," Vincenzo replied, kissing my cheek as I managed to turn around to face him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, deeply looking into his eyes as he glanced down at my lips, snaking his hands around my waist.

I unexpectedly lifted myself up, causing him to pick me up and hold me, my legs wrapped around his waist. I caressed his cheek saying, "maybe a position like this?"

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