Chapter 12 - Xavier

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My body hurt so fucking much. After a two hour workout and one hour sparring session with Alexander I don't think I'll be able to go out with the boys tonight. Turning the steering wheel hurt and I tried my hardest not to wince each time I manoeuvre my car from lane to lane. I thought a nice cold shower after that intense session would help but it only heightened the pain everywhere. I couldn't wait to get home and scoff down whatever Harper made and relax in front of the tv.

Alexander looked so damn peaceful as he answered emails and made phone calls to his team, and the amount of stamina he had in the gym today was enviable. I pulled up in front of the house and Alexander and I got out of the car, grabbed our bags from the trunk and made our way to the front door in silence. As soon as the door was open there was a sudden loud scream and we both ran into the living room where the sound came from and came to a halt when we found Harper chasing after a screaming toddler. She caught him and twisted the squealing kid in her arm and he burst out in a fit of laughter and Harper followed laughing as she carried him around the room. I froze as soon as the sound left her mouth because it was the first time in all of the eight or so months that I've known Harper to see her look so free and her laugh sounded...beautiful. Carrying the laughing little boy over to the sofa she dropped into it and started tickling him and they continued laughing without a care in the world.

Alexander coughed to notify the two of our presence and Harper and the kid looked up with big grinning faces. Harper looked from Alexander to me and she immediately looked down and the smile on her face vanished.

The kid looked up and jumped out of Harper's arms and ran straight to Alexander, who caught him and spun him around and the kid squealed in glee.

"Hey little man!" Alexander said as he held the kid in one hand.

"Hi Alexsh, aunt Harper and I were playing dinashors", the kid replied looking up at Alexander with a big toothless grin.

"Is that so. What dinosaur are you?" Alexander asked the kid as he made his way over to Harper and sat beside her with the boy in his lap.

"Aunt Harper shaid I could be a T-Rex caushe my name starts with a t."

"Did you know that t-Rex's are my favourite dinosaurs."

"Really! It's my favor...type dinashor too."

Alex and the kid continued talking about dinosaurs and I stood there like an idiot not knowing what the hell was going on. Where the hell did the kid come from and how the hell did he know Alexander?

As I pondered over this I decided to pack my gym bag before heading back into the living room to ask for some answers.

Alexander and the kid were seated on the floor around the coffee table drawing while the kid spoke a mile a minute often stopping to get his pronunciation of the words correct while Alexander nodded and answered every question he asked.

I left the two alone and searched the house for Harper to get some answers and I wasn't surprised to find her in the kitchen.

I entered and cleared my throat to announce my presence. Harper's back immediately went straight and she turned around to face me.

"Who's the kid?" I asked seriously, crossing my arms across my chest.

"His names Tristan and he's my secretary's son," Harper replied looking down at her feet.

"How come he's here?"

"After you and Lex left, I got a call from my secretary asking if she could drop him off for a couple of hours while she manages one of the events we're catering for because her babysitter bailed, and I said I'd take care of him. You don't have to worry about anything, Tristan's a good kid and he's very respectful," she finished looking like she was afraid of my answer.

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