Chapter 13 - Harper

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Lex and I cleaned up in the kitchen while Xavier ushered  Tristan back into the living room to watch Spongebob Squarepants reruns. Never in a million years would I have pictured Xavier to sit in front of the television watching Spongebob squarepants with a toddler. Actually I wasn't even that surprised because Tristan had a way of winning people over with his big smile and bubbly attitude just like his mum.

"I have to go back two days early," Lex said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"That means you're leaving tomorrow. What's going on Lex?" I asked perplexed.

"My coach called me this afternoon saying that one of the guys pulled out of his match due to injury and I have to fill in. That means I need to get straight into training and attend promotional tours. I'm sorry Harp."

I put down the dish that I was washing, dried my hands on a dish towel and walked over to Lex who looked almost unhappy about leaving early like I was.

"No worries, it's your job and it comes with the territory. I'm just going to miss you is all. I've only had you for four days and now I have to give you back," I replied walking into his open arms for a hug as Lex rested his chin atop my head. I just breathed him in because this man right here has been my constant for almost as long as Macy has been and understands me on a whole other level because we both come from families who abandoned us. Only difference was, another family ended up adopting him and that's the best thing that's ever happens to him.

Lex stood back with his arms still wrapped around me and looked down at me, "I know you don't want to hear this right now sweetheart, but I'm so proud of the woman you've become."

I looked up at him in silence with a huge grin on my face.

He continued, "There are a million other ways that your life could have turned out with the way your life started out, but look at you now. You run your own successful catering and events management business and own an equally successful bakery. You teach full time because you want to, not because you have to and you've just bought your own home. Not many twenty three year olds without family could say that. Hell you lived in an abandoned car for three years living off food stamps Harper. Everything that I've just said is a great testament to who you are as an individual. I know that you often doubt your worth in the world, but you are the epitome of a strong independent woman. Don't stress over things like boyfriends and first kisses because they pale in comparison to all the accomplishments you've achieved all on your own. I count my lucky stars everyday that I ran into you again after all those years. You've always been the sister that I never had and I can always count on you to support every decision that I make and I'd do the same for you in a heartbeat."

By the end of Lex's speech I was in tears because I've often felt like nothing that I have ever done is enough. To hear all my achievements and see them through someone else's eyes and the way that Lex said all those wonderful things without any conviction made me feel so proud of myself. I was a blubbering mess and I didn't know what to say to Lex.

"Thank you so Lex. It's like you've wiped away all the self doubt that I have about myself for the past twenty three years and smashed it all  in just five minutes." I sniffled and looked up into his smiling eyes, "Thank you so much for always being there for me and holding to spend your free time with me."

"I'm always here for you sweetheart. Now stop with the waterworks and get back to work," Lex joked, turning back towards the sink and we continued cleaning the dirty dishes and talked about his up and coming fight.

We continued chatting and laughing as we walked into the living room and the sight before me made me stop. The television was muted as it played Spongebob, and sitting in the armchair was a sleeping Tristan in Xavier's lap. Upon closer inspection, Xavier had a protective arm wrapped around Tristan as they both slept. Tristan looked so cute with dribble bubbling at the corner of his mouth soaking through Xavier's shirt. Xavier looked peaceful as he lay there with Tristan, cradling him in his arms like he's known him his entire life instead of just three hours.

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