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Ciara smirked as she heard those words come out of Shawn's mouth. She was surprised that he was even speaking to her. She knew that he hated her, but she was always one to get what she wanted. There was no way she was going to let Shayna raise MacKenzie.Shawn sat down at his desk with his hands on his head, and said, "What do you want Ciara? You don't even want to be with me, so why are you wasting my time?"

"Because i want my daughter to have both of her parents in the home."

"That makes no sense with you dating Jamar."

"Then sign me over full custody then," she said with a smirk. Shawn slammed his hands down on the desk, and said, "Ciara get the hell out of my office. You will never take my daughter away from me. I have no problem with Jamar being around my daughter, but you are out of your damn mind if you think i'm going to give up my right to see my child!"

"Why do you even care? You're making your own damn child with that stupid wife of yours," she screamed. Grabbing her by her arm, Shawn dragged her to the door. He took one last look at her, and pushed her out of his office. Jamar looked at Shawn stunned, and said, "Dude what's your problem?"

"My problem is her. Next time you wanna be disrespectful to my wife, say it to her. Don't say it when she's not around. Oh i forgot you already know how that would turn out," he said slamming the door. Ciara was crazy if she thought that Shawn would ever let MacKenzie out of his life. She was the sunshine while, Shayna was the sun. There was nothing Ciara could do to change that. If Ciara wanted to play this game, Shawn would gladly take her to court.

Shayna walked into the house slamming the door hard. She didn't want to be bothered. Every time she saw Ciara, she wanted to punch her in her mouth. The fact that Ciara slept with anyone to get what she wanted pissed Shayna off. Not only had she slept with her husband, but had a child with him. Shayna loved MacKenzie. She would never take out her frustration out on her, because of her slutful mother. The more Shayna thought about Ciara, the angrier she became. Looking up, Shayna found herself pacing the length of her bedroom. Sitting on the bed, she took her shoes off rubbing her swollen feet. "Baby you are killing mama's feet," she said tapping lightly on her round stomach. Grabbing a clip from her side table she pinned her hair up.

Walking into the bathroom, she turned the shower on. She turned to the mirror, and looked at her naked body. Shayna smiled at how much she had grown in her pregnancy. As many times as they had tried to concieve she thanked God for the blessing growing in her stomach. The steam filling the bathroom tore her away from reflecting on her unborn child. She stepped into the shower, and let the hot water wash away her anger. As the water went down the drain, so did the frustration from the day. Shayna had to stay stress free for the baby, and there was no way she was going to miscarry her child, because she couldn't control her emotions.

After she showered she went back to the bedroom where Shawn came in slamming the door. Shayna arched her eyebrow at him, but he just looked away. Ignoring his attitude, Shayna went to her closet to get dressed. Grabbing a pair of royal blue silk pajamas, she slid the pants up, and button the shirt up over her body. Looking in the mirror, she took in her appearance. She rubbed her stomach again, stepped into her slippers, and walked out of the closet. Shawn was standing in front of the bed with his cellphone in his hand tapping away. Shayna felt her anger boiling, so she decided to walk out of the room. The fact that he brought his frustration home with him had always bothered her. No matter how bad her day was, she never let it affect the way she treated her husband.

As shs she walked down the stairs, a sharp pain shot through her side. She groaned out in pain, but quickly suppressed. The pain passed, and she continued on her way to the kitchen. She opened the fridge, and pulled out leftover shrimp pasta, and heated it in the microwave. Walking over to her purse, she pulled her phone out. She had several messages from her assistant, and she quickly responded to them. She sat on the bar stool waiting for the food. As it beeped, she quickly hopped down. Placing food onto two plates, she placed one back in the microwave. She knew eventually he would grow hungry. Grabbing her plate, she went to her office. As she edited photographs, she ate her food. Her head snapped up, as she heared the doorbell. She waited for a moment to see if he would get it, but he didn't. Usually one of the workers would get it, but since it was night time no one was here, except for the gatekeeper.

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