Chapter 2

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Camila woke up to find herself entangled within Lauren's body. Camila's face was nuzzled in Lauren's neck and their legs were tangled like earphones out of a pocket.

Camila yawned softly untangling each other and getting up from the bed as she brushed her teeth. Camila went and sat back down on her bed as she watched Lauren.

Camila felt sorry this beautiful girl had to face her relative of being gay. Camila thought Lauren should want whoever she wanted and not be judged after the scenarios of yesterday happening.

The truth was, Camila had a boyfriend. Camila's boyfriend was a boy named Austin. Camila and Austin weren't so lovey dovey with each other, the two were distant even though they were in a five month relationship.

Camila was still a virgin. Camila never felt an actual love or an 'in love' emotion about Austin and she felt that she would lose her virginity to someone she really loved.

Austin would sometimes pressure her just to do it, she would deny. Austin went to the same college as Camila was in now. He was in a different part and Lauren and her friends never really spoke with Austin even if they were in the same college.

A knock on the door came and Camila got up to answer it. Austin was at the door and Camila forced herself to look ecstatic that he was in her presence.

The two met in a before graduation party and they hit it off but they soon started becoming distant. Camila didn't feel it with him anymore but didn't have the heart to break his heart. She wanted a moment where she thought she really didn't want to be with this guy.

Austin smiled as he went down and kissed Camila on the lips. Camila pulled away after a few seconds and smiled at him.

"Hi," she softly said.

"How's my girl doing?" Austin grinned.

"Good, it's been good so far. You?" She smiled.

"I've already been in this college for two years babe, I'm great." He said smugly.

"That's good," Camila said as Austin smiled and grabbed Camila's waist pushing her in the dorm and kissing her.

"No Austin, there's someone here. My friend's here." She sternly said pushing him away.

"She's sleeping, she'll be alright." He said and went back to kissing her as he plunged his tongue in her mouth.

Camila felt like it was one of the most sloppiest kisses she's ever gotten and it disgusted her. His kisses didn't make her stomach feel butterflies or make her stomach flip anymore, it felt like nothing. It was just kissing, no spark, nada.

"Austin, I'm serious." She said as she pushed him away further and frowned slightly.

"Fine, I'll let her sleep. You should come by my dorm later. Dorm 157, sometime after 5. Okay?" Austin said as he made his way out.

"Alright," the small girl softly said as her boyfriend made his way out of the door.

Austin was a talker but he had never actually harmed her, maybe with words, but not physically.

Camila sighed and closed the door as she went back to the bed where Lauren was sleeping soundly.

Camila wondered if Lauren had someone she loved, if her relationship was anything like hers, in general.

Lauren shuffled in her sleep as she slowly opened her eyes to find a staring Camila.

Lauren smiled and sat up as she ran a hand through her hair.

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