Chapter 14

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Camila woke up, upset. She did fairly well remember the events of last night and how Lauren was back to recording.

Camila checked her messages and saw a good morning text from Lauren which made her smile as she instantly responded the same to the older girl.

Camila got ready for class and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"You seem great now, you alright? Lauren told us what happened." Normani said as Ally nodded in agreement.

"I'm good, now. It'll be okay, I still have you guys and Lauren." Camila smiled sweetly as she grabbed a banana and ate one.

"Who's ready for school?!" Dinah said as she ran down the stairs.

"You seem eager."

"Siope said he was transferring here today." Dinah admitted turning red as Camila fist pumped.

"GET IT, DINAH." Camila said as she laughed.


Once Camila got in class, her professor announced about how Lauren would be missing from the class for the time being and how Vero would sit next to her. The only thing Camila could do was force a smile and nod, she couldn't say Vero wasn't allowed to sit by her because she was her ex girlfriend.

That wasn't really how things went.

Camila thanked Jade, over and over until Jade finally had to put a hand over Camila's mouth to stop the repeated thank you's of the drunken events.

"Vero! You will sit next to Camila Cabello, raise your hand, Camila."

Camila groaned internally at the sight of Vero but forced a grin on her face and raised her hand as Vero took a seat next to her.

"Look Camila-"

"No, save it. Save it for someone who cares." Camila retorted bitterly as she wasn't going to forgive Vero so easily after lying to her for a year.

Vero frowned since she wanted to repair things between Camila and her.

We're going to have to talk sooner or later. Vero wrote on a piece of paper as she folded it and slid it to Camila.

Camila looked down at the paper wondering whether to be a bitch and not open it or be considerate and see what she had to say.

Oh, whatever, I can be a bitch today. Camila thought to herself as she crumpled up the paper and threw it anywhere but near her and paid attention to the class.

Vero huffed at the failed attempt that just took place in front of her as she ran a hand through her hair, stressed.

As class ended, Camila was one of the first ones out as Dinah looked at Camila strangely when she saw her power walking out the class.

Dinah followed right after Camila and put a hand on her shoulder.

"What's got you worked up dawg?" Dinah asked, she didn't realize Vero was sitting by her since she sat in the front right side of the class and Camila sat in the back.

"Professor fucking replaced Lauren's seat with Vero. That's such a downgrade." Camila grumbled as Dinah rubbed Camila's back.

"How about we go get some pizza for lunch? After our next class?" Dinah asked.

"That sounds good," Camila mumbled as Siope went up behind Dinah to hug her.

"How bout some lunch later, D?" Siope asked as Dinah shook her head.

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