CHAPTER 12: Meeting The Sutherland's

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||CHAPTER 12: Meeting The Sutherland's||


Ian leans down, takes my cheeks in his soft hands, and presses his lips to mine. All at once I ended up closing my eyes. The kiss was slow and passionate. I then felt him touch the back of my neck. It was only a few seconds and he pulled back.

"I'm really pleased I did that." He said beaming.

In a way of answering, I place a chaste kiss on his lips before stepping back. "Shall we go home?" I asked. "I mean, it is getting late and Alex wanted me home early." We weren't finished with the cleaning but I'm positive the school won't mind.

"I don't see why not." With that said, Ian and I started putting the cleaning equipment in the closet. "Can I kiss you again?" He asked, as we exited the room. Like the gentleman he is, Ian offered to walk me towards the gate, where my brother said he would wait.

"You can, but you may not." I giggle, winking at the handsome brunette. Ian smiles to hide his disappointment. "I'm only messing with you Ian." I take a hold of his collar before I pull him down, thus leveling our height. "You can kiss me whenever you want to." I whisper seductively. Ian smile brightens; he then leans in to kiss me on the lips. We kept the kiss short, sweet, and simple.

We arrive at the school gates. I scan the area for my brother's car, but couldn't see it. That's odd. "Tia, come over here." I heard Alex's voice shout. When I snapped my head to the source of his voice. I saw Alex, he enthusiastically waved at me. Next to him was an older man, that had similar features to someone I knew. However I couldn't wrap my head around it.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I kiss Ian on the cheek as a goodbye before walking over to Alex's car. "Hello." I chirped happily as I neared them.

"Hello my lovely sister." I raise an eyebrow at him but nonetheless. "Tia, I'd like you to meet Clark. He's the manager for our Australian branch."

Clark smiles at me, "A pleasure to meet you darling."

I return the smile and nod my head politely. "It's nice to meet you too." I said before I look at Alex. I gave him a look that demanded him to explain.

"I know this is sudden but tonight I have a flight to India because I want to see if the construction for our new hotel is progressing well." He stressed. "Now I don't want you living by yourself. A reason you will be living with Clark and his lovely family."

"My wife and I are more than happy, I'm positive the girls will love you Tia." Clark said.

"Thank you." I grin, and then turned to face Alex. "Do I need to pack, or..." I trail off, waiting for Alex to complete my sentence.

"I have packed your suitcase and it is at Clark's house, everything has been arranged." Alex explained. "I'll be gone for a month. Please see that you behave." Alex gave me a small hug, before he places a kiss on my forehead.

"Don't worry Alex. We'll take good care of her. Now shall we take you to the airport?" Alex and I nodded our head in response to Clark's question.

Once we dropped Alex at the airport. Together Clark and I bid Alex good-bye and a safe flight. I felt Clark's arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry love, a month isn't too long." Clark said, reassuringly.

Clark drove the car to his place, where I would be living. Out of curiosity, I began asking him question. "If you don't mind me asking but do you have children?"

"Yes I do indeed. Like I mentioned before, I have two little girls and an older son. He attends West Midlands College  like you."

He had a kid that went to my school. I wonder who it is. I wanted to ask Clark more questions but I didn't. I didn't want to make it uncomfortable for him. I couldn't help but wonder, have I met his kid before.

I hadn't met Terry's parents, I wonder if Clark's his father. I knew it wasn't Taylor's parents because I had met them. I pray to god Clark is not Danielle's father. I would rather shoot myself. Yes I consider her my friend, but at times I want to trade her for a dog. Then I remembered my friend's parents owned their own companies.


Clark pulls up in his driveway, parking his car near the garage doors, and then switching off the engine. Clark and I get out of the car. Once the car doors were shut, Clark locks he car by pressing the button on the remote key. "Shall we go, my wife is dying to meet you." Clark grins.

I trail after Clark, as we made our way towards his front, dark green door. As Clark fumbles for his key, I took the moment to glance at his house. It was a lovely white, two-story house. I have to say, the front garden was beautiful. When Clark opens the door, he held it open with one arm. "Ladies first." He said, gesturing for me to enter. Once I enter, Clark follows in after me before he closes the door behind him.

"Welcome home sweetheart!" I heard a feminine voice say. I tilt my head towards Clark and gave him an awkward look. Clark chuckled, as he then points to the source of voice.

I follow his minor gesture. There was a beautiful woman about Clark's age, who hurriedly made her way towards me. "Oh my goodness, it is nice to meet you!" She said an excited look on her face. "My name is Faith and you must be Tia. Sweetheart you are gorgeous." I blush at her compliment. Faith gives me a warm and welcoming hug. Instinctively I wrap my arms around her. It has been a while; her hug reminded me of my own mother's hug. I didn't want to let go of Faith but I did eventually. "This will be amazing." She squealed. "Everyone, our lovely guest is here!" Faith calls, happily.

Clark chuckled at his wife's childishness. "Shall we sit down?" He asked, gesturing us into their living room. When we settle down, I suddenly hear footsteps approach the living room. "Tia you're about to meet our children."

Ah, I wonder who their son is. Have I met him before?

In come two little twins, they definitely weren't my age. "Tia meet my two little daughters, Belle and Laura." Clark formerly introduced. When I saw them, my eyes widened. These girls were Logan's little sisters.

Oh my god. This must mean.

"And meet my son, Logan." Clark added.

There he was standing. His arms folded across his chest. He had his ridiculous pair of glasses on, and his hair was wavy and damped. "Hey there Tia." He smirks.

I resisted the urge to get up and slap him in the face.

Settle Tia settle.

You're only here for a month.


Hello everyone!

I really hope you're having a good day! And if not, I hope this chapter brightens your day!

Question Time!

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TEAMIAN or TEAMLOGAN? Or do you want Tia to be with someone else like Matt, Lucas or Terry?

What do you think of Alex?

What are your thoughts. Please comment because I love reading them!


Love, E. V. M.

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