Chapter 2 - Sanalei De 'Aise

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In this Situation I should try and defend myself, however I was too shocked to see someone in this forest. From the information in my head, this forest was supposed to be incredible dangerous to normal Humans, and beastmen.

Even the Demon race wouldn't come to this forest without proper equipment. So then just what was this young girl doing bathing in said forest?

When I looked at her face, I noticed that it was actually extremely cute, however if she didn't cause all the ripples in the water, then I would have assumed she was a ghost. Her skin was pale white, and it went surprisingly well with her long silver hair and her crimson red eyes.

"...." Without saying anything to her, I simply went back to drinking. Besides, I came here for water so I'm not leaving without having a drink.

Suddenly, after swallowing my first sip of water, a rock had been hurled in my direction, smashing against the top of my head. The damage wasn't significant by any means but the impact itself caused my body to fall backwards.

Not bothering to get up I simply laid on my back and stared up at the sky, thinking about how I should try explaining the situation to this girl and, with a sigh, I mumbled to myself "Haaaahh....what a pain."

Sitting up I stared at the girl with a listless expression. She stared back at me with just her head above water, and a flushed-angry face.

".......ibility" She mumbled.

"??...Sorry did you say something?" I asked her as I slowly stood back up.

"I SAID TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!!!! IDIOT!!!!" She shouted so loud and sudden, that the surprise caused me to lose balance and fall back down to the ground.

Staring at her with my eyes opened wide in shock of the request she made, all that could be heard was the water from the waterfall splashing against the lake.

Instead of answering her I quickly stood up from where I was sitting, bowed to her, and starting walking in one direction away from the lake. All I could hear as I walked away was the girl screaming her head off and water splashing around.

**************************** 1 Hour Later ****************************

As I was wandering, I finally escaped the forest. While investigation my surroundings I found a small shack near where I emerged from the woods. It looked like it might be abandoned I decided to take a quick nap there before continuing my journey to locate the nearest town.

When I entered the small shack I realized I was more tired than I thought I was and, without investigating if this place was being used by someone, I immediately fell on top of the first bed I found, and went to sleep.

**************************** 3 Hours Later ****************************

"Mmmmmm...." I moaned as I woke up. When my eyes opened the first thing I saw was some familiar silver hair, and pale skin.

I instantly stiffened up not sure how to go about with trying to escape the bed without waking her...It's impossible, as I was thinking about how to escape I noticed that she was holding my arm.

As each minute passed, I eventually gave up on trying to escape from her grasp, and instead opted for just waking her up.

"Hey, wake up!" I said, flicking her forehead.

Her face scrunched up as she slowly opened her eyes. When she saw me, her face became very flushed, and she almost fell off the bed while screaming something.

"FINALLY!!!! You woke up!" She looked at me angrily, but somehow it looked more adorable and pouty than angry. "I tried waking you up for an hour till I gave up and ended up falling asleep next to you!" The small girl exclaimed.

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